Would you part ways with your Rocket?

Mine is only at low throttle openings and when I first start it up. In low light I can see the flash
Sadly, and with great despair, my short relationship with my 2008 R3T is coming to a close. In the past 3 months, the clutch cable broke at the clutch handle, within 1 month, the lifter inside the clutch housing "twist" snapped in 2 pieces. And the just last week, something in the housing of the clutch gave way. The replacement parts for the clutch initially were replaced by an upgraded spring & lifter pin. I went ahead and replaced the clutch, antifreeze, and oil,and oil filter. The current problem has been undiagnosed, but it is something inside the clutch housing. The handle pulls all the way in. The rear left turn signal has a "bug" in it. Loss of power. The highway AUX lights have a "bug" in the electrical system. Switch doesn't work. I'll get everything fixed before I pass it on, but am at a crossroads with this bike. It has become a real "hanger queen", and I am sick and tired of dumping money into it, and waiting for the next thing to happen. I had a '76 Triumph TR6; I should have known better. The R3T was fun while it lasted, but it is time to move on.

I'll keep my trusted '01 VALK and '12 HD EG CVO

Farewell, and safe riding to all riders
I bought mine as a one or two year experiment to see how I'd like it. I'll probably let it go next year. Just can't get comfortable with the ergos. I like the cushy seat, but the angle it puts my legs at gives me hip discomfort - the pegs are too far forward. Love the torque, obviously, but it's a little heavy and awkward for moving around in my particular garage layout, right at the top of a steep driveway. Might get a used T120 next season. Life is short - might as well try lots of bikes!
46000 Ks so far only a weeping water pump(only seeping now and then) but replaced before it ****itself :eek:. BUT, if it gives me dramas its off to the used bike lot, I am too old to be jiggered around by an easily replaced bike ,I kept trucks on the road for years that needed a lot of TLC but they were Mega bucks to upgrade, bikes Nah!if they piss you off flip em ,I have kept the R3T longer than my last 4 new bikes only because I like it and the model hasn't changed ,so until it starts to play up I will keep it