OK. Question is... has anybody managed to get a look at/download the workshop manual(s)??
They are now handled by a third party - Tritun. I imagine that third party is VERY closely associated with Triumph themselves.
I go to the Tritun.net site, go thru all the ringmarole to "purchase a subscription," then it says it will "transfer me to the Global Payments website" to take my money. But it doesn't. Just keeps flipping back to the application page.
Tried all sorts of combinations on the application page. No difference.
Have emailed Tritun support. No response.
Have checked with my dealer, emailed the Oz distributors, emailed Triumph Australia. They all tell me it's "available" at the Tritun site, but can't help explain why it doesn't work.
Have now emailed Triumph UK. Waiting to see if they respond.
I think someone in Europe may have succeeded. Nytrox?
Any clues??????????????