Word of caution...about night hazards on the road

Born in Pennsylvania and lived there for 37 years. Deer were a constant problem day and night. Had many close calls over the years. A buck came off an embankment full speed, middle of the day and slammed into the driver’s side door of my jeep. Fortunately it was winter and I had the hard doors on or he would been in my lap. I stopped, he was behind me in the middle of the road trying to get up like a turtle on his back. Then he popped up like nothing happened and ran away. A handful of close ones on the bike too. Swerved is a bad Idea. Know of a handful of people who died swerving for animals. They over correct lose control and hit a pole or tree.
I agree i normally wont leave my lane for anything other than a child .
However when i saw that i was gonna hit a deere and i could see that there was no traffic coming i decided to go for the left lane. Still hit the **** deere though
When I was young and stupid I had a trip from Sydney ( Australia ) to Adelaide. Miles and miles of dead flat bitumen.
At that time I had the Z1 Kawasaki 900 ( mid 70s )
Cruising along at about 170kph minding my own business and this kangaroo decided to jump out in front on me
I just grazed his fur on his head as I flew past, if it wasn't for the sheer speed I was going I would be dead,I think

To this day I very rarely go over the speed limmit, that was a big, very big lesson for me....
Enjoy the journey as much as the destination
I discovered a new hazard the night before last. I had never thought about before and it was scary. I have a rule that i won't leave my lane of travel for anything other than a person being in my lane. Well the other night after work i rode my bike to my uncle's house.
On ride back home I'm cruising along about 45mph there was light traffic going the opposite direction. Double yellow lines when some idiot decides he has to pass the two cars in front of him. There i am starring a pair of head lights coming right at me.
I got on the brakes and immediately started scanning the shoulder of the road looking for a place to go. Luckily the truck got back in his lane that was a little to close for comfort
.......i can picture all these deer sitting around a campfire at night....one says.....'Had a close call the other night with a bloody Kenworth!!...The bloody thing had about a dozen huge lights blazing away at me and i didnt know which way to go!!!...It was that close i felt the heat from its engine!!...at least i left s**t all over its bonnet!!!"......all the others laughed loudly!!...some nodding their heads and commenting to the stag beside them....
one of the other stag's raised his head and said.."....was on my way home from a stag do the other night....it was fair pi**ing down and i had just stopped beside the road for a much needed pee when all of a sudden these jake brakes boomed and around the corner came that bloody Kevin Frazier in his Kenny!!...geez he fair flys in that thing!!!....i only just got back into the trees before he whizzed passed!.....its bloody dangerous out there!!!especially when youve been on the willow branches all night with the boys!!!"......
Up here we have to contend with moose. I think we all have a number of close call stories which would probably fill another post for some time. "Close Calls Riding at Night".

I remember taking a corner at night on the highway and as my bike came to an upright position (before I had enhanced lighting) I spotted a moose on the shoulder. Scared the ____out of me since I almost wiped it's a__. Another time I was travelling in the mountains in British Columbia. I had slowed down for a corner and as a I looked to the right there were 3 deer running beside the road. I never saw them. Lucky they didn't cross. Another time as I was travelling in the mountains (same trip) son the main highway which had virtually no shoulders I saw a smaller tree shaking like crazy right beside the road. I was climbing up the highway admiring the view and had slowed down. As I drove by the tree there was a huge brown bear tearing the living daylights out of it... probably needed a scratch. I was no closer than 3 meters from it. The scary part was that as I passed it, there were several bikers (bicycles guys) climbing the same hill that were going to pass that bear..... Good luck. I'm so thankful I've never hit one.... touch wood.