so last Thursday night returning from VFW after finishing two pints of Guinness on tap driving home dark road after a turn there were deer I quickly veered left to avoid the rest of them while braking but one clipped my right front headlight bumper on my 09' titan with 230k care free miles on it. I came back the next morning to assess damages I guess it could have been worse my thinking all along was glad I was not on my rocket.. as the weather heats up keep extra careful of the deer in your area be safe upgrade to the LED lights ( I did that a while back and its very simple) I'm getting some parts (radiator frame, grill, headlights, fog lights) to offset the work but the truck isn't under any collision/comp. so will have to come out of pocket about 2,300 bucks... I look at this way the Titan will look a lot newer

could have been worse!!! stay safe out there!!