Won't start headlights stopped working.

Now that I repaired the switch and reinstalled it. It stopped working.
So I'm on hold till I can buy a new one.
Soo fustrating. All because I bought another bike and parked it next to it. Triumph's are so pety and jealous. She can just sit in the shop and think about what she did. Taking my victory out to breakfast in the morning with friends.
Well . . . I got the new $217.00 switch and installed it. Still won't start. Headlights work fine now. Took apart the start button and cleaned it. Power is there when I turn on the ignition. Checked relay. Got power to the wire from the start button. Dosen't seem to matter if the clutch is in or not. In neutral. Did the mod to install additional relays. One for headlights and one for starter. I can pull the original relay and jumper power from post 30 to 87 and the bike fires right up. I replaced the 5 pin relay and still nothing. I just don't know where to go from here.
Well now that the headlights work and you have power coming into start button, when you hit button does it close and allow for current to continue on and do the headlights cut off even though no start
Im not so sure the bike likes extra mods especially when it comes to its headlight and starter
Well now that the headlights work and you have power coming into start button, when you hit button does it close and allow for current to continue on and do the headlights cut off even though no start
It does not. I pulled the relay and checked the wire from the start switch and I have power. Installed new relay. Lites aren't interrupted when I press start switch. No clicking from relay. Have 12v power to pin 30.
more that likely (because you have been messing with every thing else) you are having trouble with the clutch switch.
key on/ kill switch on/ hold starter button in while working clutch lever pulled in then slowing letting it out do this severaal times.
of that fails move the rubber and TE3MPORTRARLY wrap the the two terminals with a bare copper wire. do not use this as a permenant fix.
this is to remove any dought of a bad clutch switch so you can move on.
report progress.
Tried jumping across the clutch switch. Still nothing.
Wonder if I park my victory somewhere else? Maybe she will start acting better. And let me know what's wrong so I can fix it.
Reactions: wjb
At this point i think that testing at the starter relay will lead to identifying the area of the problem.
a little info on that connector (but i do not have the info that i would like.)
Pin #1 on starter relay connector #30 power sourse
Pin #8 on starter relay connector #87 to starter solenoid connector
Pin #4 on starter relay connector #86 power sourse i think
Pin #6 on starter relay connector #85 ground to energize coil ecu activated i think
so you have to find out which is missing the #85 or the #86.
one will be entergizing power and the ecu will be grounding when it meets all of the safetys of the bike. clutch switch, horn button, nuetral light and kick stand if you are not in nuetral or you don't have a nuetral signal.
hope this helps herman