
Medic didn't have a shield, uncle Jesse. That was mine you were looking at. You liked it because of the height.
I think this was Lupe's bike. I liked the concept so I made my own. The chrome piece between the fork brackets and the shield hardware.

These are mine. Slotted for adjustment.

If I tilt the shield too far back it pulls the heat from the radiator up to me. That gets you hot quick.

Height of my clearview.
So the clear view does not come with hardware to mount it.
Do you have to make it or can you buy it some place.
Have not found anyone who makes it besides triumph. Since the measurement of most of the triple trees are close you can probably can start measuring and find some that you can make work. With small modifications to it. If you do not want to buy triumph mounting hardware Always remember somebody had to build the first one.
Iirc - at one time - xhdskip was looking at getting them made up in Stainless.

Other than that it's the Triumph ones or go home grown.
Thrillseeker was talking about making them out of stainless if there is enough interest.

PM him if you want a set.
I am looking at the clearview do I need Roadster Brackets (5 bolts across top)