Roadster screen with lowers and a Laminar-lip.

Now with a bug protector screen behind ( I had it anyway) to keep sun off the clocks.
This meant I pushed it forwards about an inch - made a dramatic improvement.

If you want the breeze - then the little bug deflector screens are surprising good at just getting the pressure off your chest. But ****e if you want to ride in the wet. There's a guy in the UK who makes slightly bigger ones too. Custom sculpted flyscreens

The black bit in the middle is to close the gap twixt lamps and lower edge of screen.

No buffeting at 200kph. Even with visor up.
No picture:eek::eek:
I got the black insect screen actually came with the bike, when moving a bit closer to pass or heavy traffic there is a lot of buffeting, no problems in clear air.

Recently changed to the clear Insect day screen, slight different but not by much, very little buffeting compared to black screen.

As for the custom screens, I have located a fellow who lives in QLD Sunshine Coast who is a special affects expert for the motion picture industry. He makes and does the make up and models for horror and Sci Fi Movies.

He does a lot of model making for the dead and butchered body's looks so real. I have asked him does he think he could make by black screen into a 3D raised design of Ned Kelly.

Hopefully I will be meeting up with him and his special effects team to see what they can do when they see the screen. Will make a new screen from clay to use as a blank to experiment with designs.

When done will post pictures for some feed back on what you think of the design, and if you like his work will post business details.
Who has a windshield that they like and why you like it or dislike it.

I am thinking about getting one looking for one I can remove in 5 or 10 min.

I didn't really care for the Triumph windshields .... they all look too Harley for my tastes. I know that Ogremeister had the answer I was looking for. I liked it so much I copied his idea. This is a picture of his. I have never took any pictures with it installed on my bike but I have one just like it. I like it when its on there.


  • Windscreen.jpg
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I didn't really care for the Triumph windshields .... they all look too Harley for my tastes. I know that Ogremeister had the answer I was looking for. I liked it so much I copied his idea. This is a picture of his. I have never took any pictures with it installed on my bike but I have one just like it. I like it when its on there.

Where did ya get it ?
Who makes it ?
That is cool
What shield did ya start with did ya cut a bigger on down
Details man I need details
while back ago saw one that lights up around the edge you can get 4 or 5 different colors not sure they fit our rockets tho cant remember where tho (sucks getting old)maybe rivco?