
Clearview (tallest) with vent and Triumph lowers. The buffetting at highway speeds and above were beating me up too badly. The Triumph shield was too short and narrow.
Well I called Clearview today they said my shield would be in production next week. I should have it the first week in April, I got the biggest one with the 5 way vent and upper recurve. I looked through medics at Maggie Valley and have been wanting one ever since finally broke down
If you dont mind me asking how much $ and do they bolt on to Original brackets
Where did ya get it ?
Who makes it ?
That is cool
What shield did ya start with did ya cut a bigger on down
Details man I need details

I can't remember............ let me see if I can find out while going through my old files and such. Here is a side view of the it ..... towards the right.

Ogremeister might might know.


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If you dont mind me asking how much $ and do they bolt on to Original brackets

I got the GT25 it is the biggest one $178.00 upper recurve no charge and the five position adjustable vent $69.00
I got a clear for a grand total $247.00 plus shipping and yes it fits the original brackets I have the 2007 classic

here is the link Clearview Shields - for the best ride you'll ever see
Who has a windshield that they like and why you like it or dislike it.

I am thinking about getting one looking for one I can remove in 5 or 10 min.

I like the larger of the Triumph shields. Great for long trips. Easy on / off
Try reasonable prices and a solid product. I got the 25" recurve and am very pleased. Keep in mind you're only getting the windshield not the hardware to mount the windshield...Works well for those non- aerodynamic types of people as well. Which includes me.....
Thank You Jesse
An alternative is CeeBAILEY
- They also do headlight shields. They offer a DARK tint too.

The best anti-buffeting solution (so far found) - the lowers.

One thing I have to say about the Triumph screen. Made by national Cycle in the USA and the anti-scratch coating ime works very very well.

The solution used by Ogre is also National Cycle - half the cost and sexier than the Triumph. Also comes with brackets that fit the R3.

To use either Clearview or CeeBaileys you also need a set of Triumph brackets - which only come with the screen. And they're expensive just to ditch the screen.

No idea how the replacement screens handle scratches - but the LaminarLip I have has way more scratches and a lot less miles.

There's also a screen in the UK - I don't personally like it. But......