For Sale Wind Deflectors-Windshield Add-On

@Rocket Scientist...this one is for you. Well, I have decided to just post what I am asking for the deflectors I am making. It will make it simple on the Yeas and Nays. Are they....Pricey in your opinion...maybe, but they are not cheap to make. I tried getting the mounting rods manufactured once to save me some time in making them, but the 3 quotes came back between $60 - $80 per rod. That would have put my cost totally out of reach for each set. I priced my shipping costs a little high with expense of PayPal and supplies to save time and money running around. Local pickup $110. Here is what I have been telling everyone...

I am asking $135.00 for the set which includes the shipping. As for shipping, I just factored in one flat rate in the price to cover shipping everywhere in the USA, boxes, packing supplies and what PayPal will hit me for when they take out their cut. All that alone can be as much a $22.00 (maybe more) in the cost. I decided it is just to much of a pain to go to the post office and get rates for every destination so I covered the whole country. Out of the country (just one interested so far) I am doing the post office thing for those people. I figure by the time I have the plastic cut, buy the clamps retail, all the stainless screws and washers, aluminum, plus my time, I needed to sell them for that to pay for my time and material. I'm making nothing on the first 4 as I have spent that much designing and making them.

All of the screws are stainless steel with the exception of the nut that the clamping screw goes into. The deflectors were created by modifying an existing clamping product I found and combining it with some new parts I made or had cut for the project. Since they are hand made to some degree, they are not perfect like a mass produced product. With that said, you will find them very nicely made and very functional. Because the plastic pieces are laser cut the edges are now smooth and polished. If you message me your email I will send you a .pdf of the instructions I made up and a little more about them. I can send you a invoice through PayPal to your email if you decide you want a set. I hope this helps....Thanks for your interest...Phil

Here is one more picture of the first ones I made and installed on my first Rocket before it was totaled. The new version is very close in appearance with some improvements as mentioned above and in my original post. The fact is... they work by adding a little over 6" on each side to deflect wind around your hands.


They look like quality goods Phil ! I'm not in the market for them (I don't do much cold weather riding anymore). I just mentioned the price thing because I think it scares off perspective buyers thinking the price is going to be out of sight. I hope you sell the heck out of them :)
sent you a "conversation" then went looking and found the thread, I am very interested
sent you a "conversation" then went looking and found the thread, I am very interested

I finally got back from the gym and replied to your conversation as well as another forum member. I sent you the information and included some new information I am going to repeat here.

I have two types of plastic I bought to used in the deflectors at the moment. The original plastic I was using is standard clear acrylic. In another order I placed, I bought what they call some high-impact clear acrylic, 50% fill. Apparently they add a rubberizing agent to the acrylic to make it more resistant to breaking. The high impact appeared to be just ever so slightly gummy around the edge from cutting as compared to the standard acrylic. The edge has seemed to have lost most of the gummy feeling that I first noticed when they arrived. I suspect it was the laser cutting that did it. They both look the same and appear to be equally resistant to scratching so I'm giving people a choice. It would take a serious hit with a rock to break the standard acrylic, but if you would like the higher-impact acrylic I can do a set of those as well. I have 5 sets of the high impact acrylic version available and only 1 set left in the standard acrylic, but I will have 5 more of the standard acrylics version available next week when the acrylic gets shipped.

The only reason I even bought the other plastic is because someone ask about the impact resistance of the acrylic. I thought I would buy some of the higher impact pieces to give them a try and it might be another selling point. It looks like they will work just fine even though they cost slightly more. I'm still using the same price $135.00 USD which includes shipping in the US. All other places I will deal with on a one to one basis.

Here is a picture of the two types of acrylic edges with the high impact on the left and the standard on the right. Keep in mind the edge on the right didn't have the protective paper on it when I took the picture and the one on the left still has the paper on...thus the difference in the brightness and appearance. I have been running standard acrylic for over three years with no problem. They all ship with protective paper.

Edit: One additional comment: I only just recently tried using the high impact acrylic and was concerned about the somewhat tacky edge when they arrived. It has settled down in the last week or so which has made it a more likely option for people that want it.. I still think the standard acrylic will lend itself better to light sanding and buffing if you prefer an even smoother polished edge. Both edges still look very good from the laser cut.


  • High Impact Acrylic Left & Standard Acrylic Right.jpg
    High Impact Acrylic Left & Standard Acrylic Right.jpg
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@Bedifferent: You, my friend, are a genius! Except for the fact that these are essentially universal! Thus robbing you of the opportunity to triple the price for Harleys! Great job and your product looks great! And your price? Pssshhht! What can you buy for a motorcycle these days for $135? Not much. Thanks for taking the initiative! If I hadn't already spent about $2k on my bikes this year getting them ready for the season, I'd snap one up right now. Are they in limited supply? Perhaps later in the season! Good on ya mate!
@Bedifferent: You, my friend, are a genius! Except for the fact that these are essentially universal! Thus robbing you of the opportunity to triple the price for Harleys! Great job and your product looks great! And your price? Pssshhht! What can you buy for a motorcycle these days for $135? Not much. Thanks for taking the initiative! If I hadn't already spent about $2k on my bikes this year getting them ready for the season, I'd snap one up right now. Are they in limited supply? Perhaps later in the season! Good on ya mate!

Thanks @Nogrey....I agree, you can't buy much for $135. I was pointed to some other products ranging from $124 to $215 and in my opinion (and others) they aren't as nice and don't look as good. all good feedback so far...One of my Harley friends has installed a set and they work for him as well on his Fatboy. Anyway, I plan to keep making them as long as people want them and I am also trying to keep several around for shipping. I haven't put them on eBay yet as I'm afraid I might get overwhelmed. I am retired you know.... Let me know when you want a set....
Some time ago I made a post about some wind deflectors I fabricated that provide protection for your hands in the cold and rain. I finally have gotten around to putting together 4 complete sets of these and am offering them for sale here on the forum. I plan on making some more available in the next couple weeks if these sell and there appears to be an interest in them. The wife says I am spending too much money making them and I need to sell these before I reorder more plastic parts and clamps to make another batch. I am also going to put them on eBay in the future and perhaps try and sell a few locally, but I thought I would start here on the forum first.

Although I made them specifically for my R3T, I am reasonably certain they will work on just about any bike with a standard windshield. I am including some pictures of how the latest laser cut versions look and fit on my bike. The protective paper is still on in one of the pictures I posted and that is how they will ship. I only peeled back enough of the paper to assemble them. The stainless set screws that helps lock the rod in place, now have a brass insert to allow it to be firmly tightened down on the pivot rod.

I have ordered small shipping boxes, bought packing material, printed some instructions and am ready to ship if you are interested. You can message me if you have questions and I will give you the flat price I decided on which includes shipping to the any of lower 48 states. I have a PayPal account for payment and if you include an email address I will be more that happy to send you a .pdf file which explains a little more about them and how they install. Thanks

I might be interested. email more info to
Just a follow up on our previous discussion. The set I purchased has became a "sample". 3 different Harley riders are saving pop cans to purchase sets. I promised my buddy with the Roadster the set I have.
Keep up the manufacturing operations!