For Sale Windshield Like New For Newer Model 2020 > 2024 R3 GT

You have an adaptor, as there is no windshield on mine. Look at part 9&10 in the diagram below. What I am trying to understand if that is the same exact mounting dimensions as what would be on the part 1 (that is all I have). It looks like without parts 8, 9, 10 & 11 it won't work on my R and that assumes 6&7 are the same as on my bike. If it is the same, I might have a bracket that might work. If not, I'd need parts 8, 9, 10 & 11 to make this work on a R.

You have an adaptor, as there is no windshield on mine. Look at part 9&10 in the diagram below. What I am trying to understand if that is the same exact mounting dimensions as what would be on the part 1 (that is all I have). It looks like without parts 8, 9, 10 & 11 it won't work on my R and that assumes 6&7 are the same as on my bike. If it is the same, I might have a bracket that might work. If not, I'd need parts 8, 9, 10 & 11 to make this work on a R.

I took the liberty of looking up some pictures of the 2023 R3. From what saw they had all the same parts my GT had from the factory, except the clear fly screen. #1 along with the rest of the related items except the fly shield #2. The #1 covers some electrical connectors. I believe for the headlights and dash computer. You would need the 2 plates and 4 screws to hold it in place.
You have an adaptor, as there is no windshield on mine. Look at part 9&10 in the diagram below. What I am trying to understand if that is the same exact mounting dimensions as what would be on the part 1 (that is all I have). It looks like without parts 8, 9, 10 & 11 it won't work on my R and that assumes 6&7 are the same as on my bike. If it is the same, I might have a bracket that might work. If not, I'd need parts 8, 9, 10 & 11 to make this work on a R.


On the R models, you need the following parts to mount the windshield:

8 - four screws
9 - one bracket, left
10 - one bracket, right
11 - four blind hole nuts

This will get you the foundation to mount the windshields from Poland. For what it is worth, those polish windscreens are the same as the 7Jurock windscreens made here in LA. In both cases they blend with the front of the bike, however it is a tight clearance for my phone mounted above the TFT cluster using the Lamonster accessory and a RAM arm. Longer arm and it worked.

Good luck.
On the R models, you need the following parts to mount the windshield:

8 - four screws
9 - one bracket, left
10 - one bracket, right
11 - four blind hole nuts

This will get you the foundation to mount the windshields from Poland. For what it is worth, those polish windscreens are the same as the 7Jurock windscreens made here in LA. In both cases they blend with the front of the bike, however it is a tight clearance for my phone mounted above the TFT cluster using the Lamonster accessory and a RAM arm. Longer arm and it worked.

Good luck.
I noticed the similarity between the Polish one and the 7Jurock. I saw the 7Jurock on in some thread that was 40+ pages long.

Thanks for the confirmation on parts. I assumed I could just re-use silver top pieces. I'll swing by the dealer and see what they want for the parts.
@Micksan—I sent you an offer yesterday. I don't know if you saw it or not, so I'm sending you a message here. If the offer doesn't work for you, just let me know, and I'll order a Powerbronze light screen like I originally planned. Yours reminded me a bit of it, but with more coverage, which can be good and bad here.
@Micksan—I sent you an offer yesterday. I don't know if you saw it or not, so I'm sending you a message here. If the offer doesn't work for you, just let me know, and I'll order a Powerbronze light screen like I originally planned. Yours reminded me a bit of it, but with more coverage, which can be good and bad here.
i MADE A BAD MISTAKE .... It appears like there is a different shield for the GT than the other models. I am glad you questioned it. I also checked on the one from Poland and it states GT3 also. There is one mounted on a r model. Cost $125.00 Sorry for getting up your hopes.
From what I can tell, it will work but I need to get the mounting hardware that the GT uses. I already checked with them. That is the only difference. Anyway, my offer still stands.
From what I can tell, it will work but I need to get the mounting hardware that the GT uses. I already checked with them. That is the only difference. Anyway, my offer still stands.
If you can go up to $200. I can live with it. On the parts, I suggest you contact the Cleveland dealer. Ask to be transferred to the warehouse. The lady out there is a great source of info and hard to get parts. I got good saddlebags off her when no one else had them.