Will my R3T leave a HD V-Rod Muscle in the dust?

Any rocket with even a set of tors/ air filters and a decent tune will crap on a stock V Rod. Rider skill equal that is. A Rod has no torque under 5000 and is harder to launch. Top gear roll-ons, the R3 will spank the Rod. The top speed mentioned above was with the speed limiter in place for the R3.
so my next new to me roadster with your perf parts which I saved will no doubt be smoking
I know mine will. A few years ago I had a run against one and it wasn't close. He was ahead of me and I saw him glance back then crouch and get on it. I cranked the Rocket and blew past him. Running TOR's and 2780's with a TuneBoy tune. We stopped up the road a few miles and he was surprised how easily I passed him. Apparently he had a bit of work done to his V-Rod which made it all the sweeter. As far as top speed I have had mine past the oil pressure warning light.
A few years back my boss had a Vrod, he wanted me to race him but never had the time, one day he took my Rocket around the block, wide open, when he came back i asked him if he still wanted to race, he said no:)
Having a V-Rod Muscle, I follow a V-Rod forum and I find it humorous they think it's the fastest cruiser out there... I'll admit she red-lines at 9K (Porsche engineered water cooled engine) and can easily hit 90mph in 3rd gear; however, even weighing 200+lbs less I still don't think that's enough to out run my R3T. I don't clean out the cobwebs in or near town, but I wouldn't mind seeing them go head to head in a quarter mile on the track or a one mile scenario. I've seen an R3R hit 116mph on the quarter-mile drag strip here at Las Vegas Motor Speedway.

Has anyone left a V-Rod in the dust? :)


It is in Portuguese but I got the meat of the story.

Are you talking a drag race or top speed ? The R3 T is limited to only 185 km/h. So the V Rod will win in top speed only. In an on the road situation the R3T will walk away from the Rod at say 80km/h and 100km/h and 140km/h. They have 190nm torque stock and a Rod has about 90nm. Is the V Rod muscle stock? I bet it has pipes and air cleaner and Harley download, they leave the showroom like that mostly out here. If the R3T had the same treatment, it will beat it. I work on both machines and test them. A Bone stock V rod is not handlebar bender thats for sure, similar to the R3T. I do not know your grandma, I am sure she is a nice lady, but who ever rides a STOCK Vrod or R3T ?
BTW the weight difference is only 116lbs from a muscle to a R3T. The Muscle is a fair bit heavier than one thinks.
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Are you talking a drag race or top speed ? The R3 T is limited to only 185 km/h. So the V Rod will win in top speed only. In an on the road situation the R3T will walk away from the Rod at say 80km/h and 100km/h and 140km/h. They have 190nm torque stock and a Rod has about 90nm. Is the V Rod muscle stock? I bet it has pipes and air cleaner and Harley download, they leave the showroom like that mostly out here. If the R3T had the same treatment, it will beat it. I work on both machines and test them. A Bone stock V rod is not handlebar bender thats for sure, similar to the R3T. I do not know your grandma, I am sure she is a nice lady, but who ever rides a STOCK Vrod or R3T ?
Carpenter has done several R3ts with the BRUTE pipe K&N air cleaners and a retune good for 165+ HP and they will beat the snot out of the V RODS
While not having the level of knowledge of our highly respected technical Gurus, I know 2 things from experience:

1- The Rocket wins in the parking lot already. I have parked next to V-Rods and 109's, and generally those guys became very shy and polite, one could tell they even felt uncomfortable to park next to a much bigger monster like the Rocket. None of them would have ever tried to race me.

2- I have a R3R not a R3T, and it has been tuned to 156 rwhp with relative ease. The engine has not even been opened for that. And I can leave a V-ROD in the dust pretty much anywhere, at any speed, without even shifting down.

In my town there was only one V-Rod that could have challenged me for a really interesting drag race, with open result. Unfortunately it was taken out by the police for using an unregistered supercharger...
I did not realize this was even a real issue until seeing this post. I had no idea that there was even a question about the Rocket vs V Rod thing. I have a R3R and twice I have left the V Rod well behind. The second time was last October and it was a Muscle. A nice looking bike, but through 3 sets of lights all I could see was his headlight well behind me. We discussed the big ugly bike I was on. His question was something like What the F&^k is that thing and overgrown Valkyrie? I said no its a Triumph Rocket. He said a what? A Triumph Rocket I said, google it when you get back to your club house. Have a nice day. HE HE HE HE (evil laugh). I love my Rocket.
iirc - many years back there was a face-off video on a track with curves VROD/R3 standard - and the VROD won. As Art says - once teh R3 is fully sorted (suspension, engine) then it is a very different beast. But a stock R3T imo has no chance.