Will my R3T leave a HD V-Rod Muscle in the dust?

so my next new to me roadster with your perf parts which I saved will no doubt be smoking
I know mine will. A few years ago I had a run against one and it wasn't close. He was ahead of me and I saw him glance back then crouch and get on it. I cranked the Rocket and blew past him. Running TOR's and 2780's with a TuneBoy tune. We stopped up the road a few miles and he was surprised how easily I passed him. Apparently he had a bit of work done to his V-Rod which made it all the sweeter. As far as top speed I have had mine past the oil pressure warning light.
A few years back my boss had a Vrod, he wanted me to race him but never had the time, one day he took my Rocket around the block, wide open, when he came back i asked him if he still wanted to race, he said no

It is in Portuguese but I got the meat of the story.

If your Grandmother had balls would she be your Grandfather"??????? The Question was could a R3T beat a Vrod muscle ? Now if both bikes are stock no it will not - of course if you open the sleeping R3T up then yes
Are you talking a drag race or top speed ? The R3 T is limited to only 185 km/h. So the V Rod will win in top speed only. In an on the road situation the R3T will walk away from the Rod at say 80km/h and 100km/h and 140km/h. They have 190nm torque stock and a Rod has about 90nm. Is the V Rod muscle stock? I bet it has pipes and air cleaner and Harley download, they leave the showroom like that mostly out here. If the R3T had the same treatment, it will beat it. I work on both machines and test them. A Bone stock V rod is not handlebar bender thats for sure, similar to the R3T. I do not know your grandma, I am sure she is a nice lady, but who ever rides a STOCK Vrod or R3T ?
BTW the weight difference is only 116lbs from a muscle to a R3T. The Muscle is a fair bit heavier than one thinks.
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Carpenter has done several R3ts with the BRUTE pipe K&N air cleaners and a retune good for 165+ HP and they will beat the snot out of the V RODS
While not having the level of knowledge of our highly respected technical Gurus, I know 2 things from experience:

1- The Rocket wins in the parking lot already. I have parked next to V-Rods and 109's, and generally those guys became very shy and polite, one could tell they even felt uncomfortable to park next to a much bigger monster like the Rocket. None of them would have ever tried to race me.

2- I have a R3R not a R3T, and it has been tuned to 156 rwhp with relative ease. The engine has not even been opened for that. And I can leave a V-ROD in the dust pretty much anywhere, at any speed, without even shifting down.

In my town there was only one V-Rod that could have challenged me for a really interesting drag race, with open result. Unfortunately it was taken out by the police for using an unregistered supercharger...
I did not realize this was even a real issue until seeing this post. I had no idea that there was even a question about the Rocket vs V Rod thing. I have a R3R and twice I have left the V Rod well behind. The second time was last October and it was a Muscle. A nice looking bike, but through 3 sets of lights all I could see was his headlight well behind me. We discussed the big ugly bike I was on. His question was something like What the F&^k is that thing and overgrown Valkyrie? I said no its a Triumph Rocket. He said a what? A Triumph Rocket I said, google it when you get back to your club house. Have a nice day. HE HE HE HE (evil laugh). I love my Rocket.
iirc - many years back there was a face-off video on a track with curves VROD/R3 standard - and the VROD won. As Art says - once teh R3 is fully sorted (suspension, engine) then it is a very different beast. But a stock R3T imo has no chance.