Awful99 mph, i didnt launch good, i was missing gears, i sucked, it was fun though, i didnt wreck, and got to act like a hooligan and not get in trouble, burnout mastered lit that baby up. i will post the slips for humor.
Awful99 mph, i didnt launch good, i was missing gears, i sucked, it was fun though, i didnt wreck, and got to act like a hooligan and not get in trouble, burnout mastered lit that baby up. i will post the slips for humor.
oh i want my lush rocket rollin badly. Were gonna represent at hogs gone wild next year Lord willing. I put it out there so my feet are held to the fire. Rocket Nation gonna roll!
Public service announcemen, no rockets were used in the making of these time slips! Conrad is the 131 and im the 99 baby widowmaker is not The Widowmaker for sure, but in all fairness to this mean little 88 I completely was awful on it. The 16in apes make launch excitin, very. Lots of fun, we pulled Conrads old gsxr out of a barn after 14 years of no action and got it back on track and hes having a ball, this rocket stuff has breathed new excitement into conrads life, building fast bikes is his lifes love and were having a ball doing it together.
The little 750 is a getter, i was on my little 88 rockin 118hp T-Mann heads going to 7200rpm. Its built for top end not draggin lol but heck ill drag anything i can
The little 750 is a getter, i was on my little 88 rockin 118hp T-Mann heads going to 7200rpm. Its built for top end not draggin lol but heck ill drag anything i can