Why, oh why...

how many co2 bottles did it take?
My 12volt compressor takes 20 minutes to pump up the 240 rear from completely flat to normal riding pressure. The trouble with co2's is if the plug doesn't hold or you can't find the leak you have limited opportunity.

Mate I have finally found someone who has heard of W Edwards Deming who wrote the Deming report, many years ago I attended a Business Management course and the Deming Report was introduced as a means of improving most organisations ,one theory was to get the most productive Employees in a Japanese vehicle parts machining factory to train the least productive Employees to attain the output of the average Employee and gradually train the average employee to attain a output level of the most productive Employees with small increments in salary, at the end of the War pride in workmanship and Company loyalty was strong in the Japanese Factories, I never got the opportunity to apply this in our Haulage company rather we used the "a decent days work for a decent days pay motto"
My 12volt compressor takes 20 minutes to pump up the 240 rear from completely flat to normal riding pressure. The trouble with co2's is if the plug doesn't hold or you can't find the leak you have limited opportunity.

If you have a leak so small you can't find it the c02 will get you to the next pump if the plug doesn't hold...... Yea, I've had that happen too