Why did I buy
I had ridden dirt bikes all my life growing up, and had not owned a street bike. In 2005 a 60 year old man that I work with( who goes 5'7 and 140lbs.) rides into work with a new Rocket 3. I instantly fell in love with it. I had not gotten a bike at that point, because at 28 years old, I knew I had more balls than brains. Four years later, he had too many nights out at the bar, with the desire to out run all the HDs in town, and his wife said "your too old" for that. Lucky me. I bought the bike from him in August 2009, and have ridden it almost everyday since. People think I'm crazy riding when its 20 degrees out, but I can't keep my ass off it! I wouldn't have any other bike. I have ridden many friends bikes, but none compare. Hail Triumph!