Why I bought a Rocket III

I've been a sport bike guy the last 10 years (still am) but have been wanting to get a little more comfort and a naked look. Still love sport bikes.

I saw the T-bird at Daytona back in 2009 and thought it would be a great bike and it is. But after test riding it just wasn't quite what I was hoping for although it is a great bike.

The Roadster ended up filling the bill because although it is a cruiser it has plenty of gusto, a great ride, handles relatively well, and has a great Triumph look with the bug-eye lamps, two VDO gauges on the handlebars, classic silhouette, and a nice big Triumph badge on the tank. It also has good travel range and there are decent aftermarket hard bags available for when I want to go long distance.

I took a Hayabusa on an 8,000 mile cross USA trip last year and it was great. I just think this bike also has a great look and might be more fun (but not faster) 0-100. It also cruises like a buttery dream at 80 mph.
R3T or Thunderbird 1700

I'm considering trading in my 05' America for either the R3T or Thunderbird 1700. I am leaning toward the the Rocket and wonder if any of you considered the T-Bird as well. I'm a one bike guy and need some thing for around town and the occassional cruise. The America was fun but too much gear changing and not comfortable on the highway. The Thunderbird has great reviews but priced pretty close to the R3T. The Thunderbird looks like a nicely designed motorcycle. The R3 looks...awesome! I guess my question is how is the R3T for around town.
Apart from being awesome and a ridiculously cool looking bike and just what I wanted, I will give you my other reasons.

The Rocket is my first bike because everyone said to go easy to begin with. Don't think so. Everyone said don't buy to small because you will want more power soon and then trade bikes and loose money. Not interested in losing money.

So I went for the biggest bike there was, thus eliminating the option to waste money and wanting more power :D
I initially bought a bike because I'm a frugal bastard (not cheap). Gas prices went from $1.50 to $2.?? in 07'. I found a clean Yamaha 250 and rode it wide open :)D) for about a year (saved a lot of money on gas).

I finally got fed up with thel lack of power. (and embarassment):eek:
(The memory of my friends KZ1000 back in the day kept haunting me) so I sold it.
I searched high and low for nine months for a new powerful bike, Harley's, Kawasakis, Hondas, Susukis, etc... I finally thought I wanted a Victory King Pin.

On a whim I went by the local import dealer and he said "take a look at this". I eyed the 08' Rocket classic and said "I don't know, that's a big bike". He says "climb onboard and see what you think". It fit perfectly. He says "Triumph is offering $1500.00 off and 2.9% financing" (frugal me said "YEAH"). I bought it the next day and two years later I still can't wipe the grin off my face, every time I ride.

years ago mine was the only harley for 60mls round here, now everybody and their doctor has one , well they buy into the lifestyle you know the kind all the gear and no idea. it got to the point where i did'nt like to say what i rode. so thought it was time to fly the flag again. christ wish i'd done it years ago! no going back for me now, not till i'm too old to move it off the side stand . then i think i'll hang it on the wall.
This is my first Triumph ever, I sold my Road King in 06, and when it came time for another Motorcycle I just couldnt do the Harley thing anymore, Buying a Harley would have enrolled me in a club that I dont fit into anymore.

I now ride the only Rocket in town, I'm in a club of one and loving it!
None of my Harley riding friends understand why I made the move, and i dont feel the need to explain;)
Why did I buy

I had ridden dirt bikes all my life growing up, and had not owned a street bike. In 2005 a 60 year old man that I work with( who goes 5'7 and 140lbs.) rides into work with a new Rocket 3. I instantly fell in love with it. I had not gotten a bike at that point, because at 28 years old, I knew I had more balls than brains. Four years later, he had too many nights out at the bar, with the desire to out run all the HDs in town, and his wife said "your too old" for that. Lucky me. I bought the bike from him in August 2009, and have ridden it almost everyday since. People think I'm crazy riding when its 20 degrees out, but I can't keep my ass off it! I wouldn't have any other bike. I have ridden many friends bikes, but none compare. Hail Triumph!
why i bought a rocket...

I looked at the HD Softail Heritage...seriously sweet lookin' ride....$22k and up...
then the Boulevard and the Vulcan and the VTX...Vulcan would have been my choice of the 3...

then, I discovered the Rocket....as Goose said..."I'm getting a hard-on"...!!!

Wow...what a bike...!!!...nothin' to compare it to, short of my old XS-11....stands alone, no competition, no comparison...just big and bold and ballsy....handles like a dream, accelerates like an arrow off the bowstring, solid, reliable, beautiful, and no apologies just deal with it all you other riders:bch:....
I had a 2000 Honda Valkrie. I sold it and regretted it the day after I sold it . I bought a Rune when they came out but it was too much chrome for me. Then I rode the rocket. Power torque and basic black. The only bike to out Valrkie a Valkrie. I've loved it since day one
My only regret is mine doesn't have the black engine of the new roadster.
I may even get a R3 Tourer one day