Why Dont I Get Busted???

The cops probably do think you're a fat **** (your words, not mine :whitstling:) but I'm sure that has nothing to do with why they don't pull you over.
Maybe they're worried that if they stop you your bike will fall over. :p
I just think You have Been SH!T Lucky:cool: .........:eek: Till Now!!!! You may have Jinxed Yourself there Buddy ....Murphy's Law:(
It's weird, whenever I don't need my truck, I have a 1997 Ford Escort with a 2000cc engine that gets 36 mpg average, I had 3 speeding tickets in the last year on the thruway, it has no cruise control as it is a stick shift, it has overdrive and the **** speed just creeps up to 80 mph or better. Yet I flog the Rocket, never been pulled over, let alone a ticket.
It's weird, whenever I don't need my truck, I have a 1997 Ford Escort with a 2000cc engine that gets 36 mpg average, I had 3 speeding tickets in the last year on the thruway, it has no cruise control as it is a stick shift, it has overdrive and the **** speed just creeps up to 80 mph or better. Yet I flog the Rocket, never been pulled over, let alone a ticket.
You can fit an after market cruise control for less than a couple of hundred dollars. They are not hard to fit - probably less than an hour's work.
I watch some of these police bikers ride like maniacs. On the last run i went on they were doing 70-80 in the on coming traffic lane. I was cringing as they rounded the corners..:eek:
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I didn't think cruise control would work on a manual, not sure why I thought that?
No tickets yet, but every time I get close to a cop on a bike he always rides up beside me for a closer look. Was sitting at a light talking to one a few months ago when the light turned green. He just flipped on his lights and kept right on asking questions about my girl...we never moved until the next green light. I think the MC cops are specially intimidated since most around here ride HD or Wings that they think are the biggest thing on the road until they pull up beside a Rocket