Like Pete said I feel sorry for the cops that are going to have to enforce these draconian laws.
There are some wild f#ckin boys in the 1%er clubs here in Qld. They risk loosing their club , contact with their 'brothers'. Having their bikes crushed and then 25 years behind bars for the pettiest of crimes. Recipe for anarchy I reckon .. stupid, stupid move on the Governments part.
Agreed! Recipe for anarchy. So the only people (just about) in Queensland who DO have guns, illegal ones, now have little to lose, do they? No club, no bike, no mates, 25 years - for even petty offences. No possible parole, effectively life sentences. Might as well carry the weapons as well, they will think??? There'll be a lot of funerals on both sides of the fence before this one gets sorted........
Be interesting to see if this **** flows over into the other states. Can't see it tho'.........
I predict five thousand 1%ers in Brisbane CBD blockading Parliament House. Just for starters.......