Why Dont I Get Busted???

Like Pete said I feel sorry for the cops that are going to have to enforce these draconian laws.

There are some wild f#ckin boys in the 1%er clubs here in Qld. They risk loosing their club , contact with their 'brothers'. Having their bikes crushed and then 25 years behind bars for the pettiest of crimes. Recipe for anarchy I reckon .. stupid, stupid move on the Governments part.

Agreed! Recipe for anarchy. So the only people (just about) in Queensland who DO have guns, illegal ones, now have little to lose, do they? No club, no bike, no mates, 25 years - for even petty offences. No possible parole, effectively life sentences. Might as well carry the weapons as well, they will think??? There'll be a lot of funerals on both sides of the fence before this one gets sorted........

Be interesting to see if this **** flows over into the other states. Can't see it tho'.........

I predict five thousand 1%ers in Brisbane CBD blockading Parliament House. Just for starters.......
Agreed! Recipe for anarchy. So the only people (just about) in Queensland who DO have guns, illegal ones, now have little to lose, do they? No club, no bike, no mates, 25 years - for even petty offences. No possible parole, effectively life sentences. Might as well carry the weapons as well, they will think??? There'll be a lot of funerals on both sides of the fence before this one gets sorted........

Be interesting to see if this **** flows over into the other states. Can't see it tho'.........

I predict five thousand 1%ers in Brisbane CBD blockading Parliament House. Just for starters.......

I'd be inclined to sit right beside them.
hey mittzy...are you ****in mad or plain ****in silly? Asking that sort of question is like asking a boxer if his wife's **** looked different to him aswell last night! Youre asking for it, now go rinse your mouth out with ****in soap and never speak like that again. PHUCK! Mittzy! :confused::confused:o_O:confused:
$1800 and no license? Maybe I won't come down next year...your laws suck when it comes to driving over the speed limit...just sayin

you cut that silly talk out young fella. they let yanks ride however they like down here...honest....kinda...welllll.... well phuck what do you want me to say, just come on over
I've looked for the ratio of police to the public citizen and the ratios vary .in Brisbane queenslands largest city from the copper I spoke to said its around 1police officer to approximately 1100 people

being purely theoretical, based on these numbers and the theory of 1%ers that'll make the ration of 11:1 bikie to cop. I dare say that frog**** released is to try and tame the young wannabe's from considering it and the impersonators trying to look like 1%ers. I dont know any blokes that will change they're way because a cop told them to.
Cops probably expect to encounter a Member of Parliament .. some Private School Headmistress or a lawyered up Corporate bigshot riding one of them ..no wonder they leave you alone.

Come to think of it..i did get stopped once and they made me empty the bags and the trunk..i talked my way outta the dress and the handcuffs
but as soon as they saw the Vegamite..they put me in the van :whitstling:

I've looked for the ratio of police to the public citizen and the ratios vary .in Brisbane queenslands largest city from the copper I spoke to said its around 1police officer to approximately 1100 people

Thank you, peter.
That is pretty good. My city's (250,000) ratio is closer to 1:2000.
I read comments time to time that there are many coppers in OZ and I was curious.
Since i read this post I got hammered for 20 over read $120.00( good thing I was behaving myself) and pulled over in my work truck for 18 over three days later. they usually let me go after a close up of the work truck, front fender bungeed on, broken speedo, dents everywhere, overloaded with tools, and a weary old looking driver softens them up. but this guy tagged me for an expired tag $20. Still the way I act on the hwy i'm lucky to have a license.
Since i read this post I got hammered for 20 over read $120.00( good thing I was behaving myself) and pulled over in my work truck for 18 over three days later. they usually let me go after a close up of the work truck, front fender bungeed on, broken speedo, dents everywhere, overloaded with tools, and a weary old looking driver softens them up. but this guy tagged me for an expired tag $20. Still the way I act on the hwy i'm lucky to have a license.

20 over is $298 and three points here. 21 over is $660 and four points........