Why Dont I Get Busted???

I've never been pulled over on my Goldwing


Cops probably expect to encounter a Member of Parliament .. some Private School Headmistress or a lawyered up Corporate bigshot riding one of them ..no wonder they leave you alone.

Google Search "Queensland's new anti-bikie laws" .. some crazy stuff going on here at the moment.
Thanks TC.
I shall check it out.
Can you answer my two questions about the laws and coppers?

OK - I read some $hit.
This news story below, if true, is some scary $hit!
Separate bikie prisons?!
Crush your f*cking motor for a traffic offense?!
Banning tats?!


I assume your states make their own laws and there must be a HUGE amount of outlaw gangs and crime per capita in OZ compared to the US.
Anything to do with you relocating, Mate?
I am astounded. "Judge, I didn't mean to shoot mr. upstanding citizen riding his motor. I thought he was a bikie." This kind of authority will cause corruption with some coppers and payoffs out on the highway shall become like in Mexico.
Sorry to hear about this - hopefully time shall allow political heads to pop out of some asses.
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I'm glad you got your fine down graded .i think if you treat the cops with a bit of respect it helps a bit ,it's saved my liscence before also . At times it seems we are so heavily policed over here . I think when you twist the throttle the next reaction of looking in mirror is almost a natural reaction. Any way slow and steady keeps the liscence

What is the police to citizen ratio in QLD?
Know where I can checkfor other states?
Google Search "Queensland's new anti-bikie laws" .. some crazy stuff going on here at the moment.

Tc and I spoke about some of these changes in our state this morning ,i can not imagine how they have up come with such dangerous changes. The coppers lives in my opinion if they have to police these idiotic changes are going to be at a greater risk of being seriously injured or worse . some of the premiers advisers seem to be shooting from the hip with no thought to any of the implications that will occur . Just my two cents worth
Bull .. bikie crime here is minuscule in the big picture. These new laws were rushed through Parliament at 3am yesterday (without any consultation with anyone , only input was from our f#ckwit new Premier and his lackeys ) issue that brought this on was 60 Bandido members holding siege at a Gold Coast police station demanding their arrested members be released.

Like Pete said I feel sorry for the cops that are going to have to enforce these draconian laws. Trust me it's not often I feel sorry for the cops.

There are some wild f#ckin boys in the 1%er clubs here in Qld. They risk loosing their club , contact with their 'brothers'. Having their bikes crushed and then 25 years behind bars for the pettiest of crimes. Recipe for anarchy I reckon .. stupid, stupid move on the Governments part.
This is one huge reason why socialized medicine for all is a VERY BAD thing.
Personal medical responsibility is the ONLY WAY.
You crash on your motor - no one else damaged - your problem alone.
Can't have it both ways, mates. Socialism is NOT freedom!!!
Just my 2 Aussie cents worth,

What is the police to citizen ratio in QLD?
Know where I can checkfor other states?

I've looked for the ratio of police to the public citizen and the ratios vary .in Brisbane queenslands largest city from the copper I spoke to said its around 1police officer to approximately 1100 people