Who wants Josey to cook at RAA WV?

Mac&cheese, boiled peanuts, peanut butter and jelly would not feed it to a dog you guys okay but not my dog.
The first time someone gave me boiled peanuts I figured it was a gag, no way do people actually eat these
SLowly coming up to speed on the various forum topics related to this shindig but for what it's worth there are three of us arriving Wed for 3 nights and I can speak for all of us we're good for chippin' in dollars and helping to reduce the pile of food and fixins' (By the way am I correct there are zero calories in mac n cheese? AT least that's what someone told me years ago..just wondering why I am so fat--hmmm) DHarvey, Yogi and Tribal Jim
Glad to see Yogi is making it. We rode a little together last year. Love those gravel roads, hahaha