Who is the Oldest Rider


If lore can't keep you young whats the use in living
In my case is the other way around, the older i get, the younger she gets
I think i'm going to say "NO" every now and then
Well we are all 10 years older now
My old rocket still takes the corners faster then ever (more experience)
At 77 1/2 i doubt very many are older than me. Probably several trying to catch up lol.
Well we are all 10 years older now
My old rocket still takes the corners faster then ever (more experience)
At 77 1/2 i doubt very many are older than me. Probably several trying to catch up lol.
You still kick ass and take names though right? In my mind I do everyday. Getting up in the morning is different than at 22 years old. I use to wake up with my best friend sticking up through the linen like a mad gladiator wanting to tear up some unsuspecting female villager. Now I slowly get up, throw my balls over my shoulder and off to the bathroom. Depending on the back pain I may just sit on the throne. WTF happened??