**** man! You're doing well. At your age, I was crashing much less expensive bikes (CB750, HII, Shadow, etc.). 'Course most things were cheaper back then.
I turned 69 on St.Patricks Day..and have been the oldest rider in the Kootenays @ Nelson,B.C. the past 2 years..First new bike a 125 Jawa in 1966,rode from Seattle to Anchorage up the Alcan(slept under bridges/picnic tables)..Now an 2008 Rocket Touring with over 40,000 miles(sleep in motels with Jacuzzi/hot tubs!).More comfort as I age with Grace!!Going to Nelson again..if you are older than me,I buy the drink!!!
I am 35, been riding since I was about 18. Just a drop in the bucket compared to some of you.
My Dad is 67, and while not a R3 rider he has been on motorcycles since he had a Honda super 90. That was mid 60's I think. He is currently commanding two Goldwings; a 1500 and a 1100 with sidecar.
:gp:Hats Off To Larry . . . hey, wasn't that a big hit song way way back when Larry was still an old man?
66 here and never thought I'd be riding past 60. Sure hope I'm still going strong in 11 more years. Where is this Larry from . . . or is he just a legend?
:gp:Hats Off To Larry . . . hey, wasn't that a big hit song way way back when Larry was still an old man?
66 here and never thought I'd be riding past 60. Sure hope I'm still going strong in 11 more years. Where is this Larry from . . . or is he just a legend?
Happy birthday Jesse. I'll be 56 in Rocktober. Born in 56 and turn 56 this year, we is special and B4 others chime in, special and not in "that" reference.