Who is the Oldest Rider

I'm 45.. so I guess I fall somewhere in the middle.. Does that mean I'm middle aged?

We (me and two buddies) passed a guy on the way to Sturgis from Colorado a few years ago. he was ridding a Kawasaki ZX6R with a big duffle bag hanging all over the bike. The guy was real skinny and the little bike looked tough to handle in the wind. We passed him on by and stopped up the road for an hour and laughed about that guy and then hit the road again.

When we got into South Dakota, we pulled over for gas and as we were getting off our bikes, here comes the ZX6R in behind us. The guys pulls up, takes about 3 tries to get his leg over the bike to get off then pulls off his helmet to say 'Hi'.

The guy was 70 something years old! He was riding what he had available to Sturgis and nothing was gonna stop him!.. lol We visited a while, wished we could've camped where he was going. I bet that guy had some stories! There was a big storm brewing and we had planned to ride a little ways around it. He said he was gonna ride right through that thing since it was the direction he needed to go.

We had all respect for that guy after out visit and I tell you, I hope I have half the drive and determination that guy had when I reach his age!...
a mere whipper snapper here at 41 years young, 38 when i had my first rocket.

how lucky is hegels, having discovered the rocket at the tender age of 21...... if hes still going when he's 77 thats 56 years of grins........... think of all those laughter lines he's gonna have.
I'm 19 when i'm on the bike..but 60 when i'm slumped in the chair after a long
fast ride..wouldn't have it anyother way


Beat Ya I always say I'm 18 when I get on the the Rocket but feel all of my 55yesrs later in the day when I get of it, but it doesn't stop the Grin
I'm 56 and will be happy just not to be peeing on my shoes when I'm 77 let alone still riding a bike of any size.... 77 and on a Rocket ! that is cool and gives hope to the rest of us !!!