Who bought their Rocket from new and why did you choose it?

in 2008 I had just retired from our state DOT after 30 years with a decent pension and started work for a engineering company, the wife and I had talked about getting a bagger to go along with the Commando so we could do more than day trips. On her birthday we went to lunch and a movie and on way home she wanted to stop at the Triumph/BMW/Kawasaki dealer to get information. I left on a black and red R3T.
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Walked into the dealer, saw a 2014 touring sitting there, really liked the look of it, but wanted to know if I could get one with the bags and fairing. Guy said no problem, you want a roadster. I took one look at the picture and said yup! Then he had to go and break my heart by showing me a picture of the amazing blacked out X. He followed up by saying too bad you had to preorder it last March. I asked if there was a list I could add my name to, as situations often change year to year when your waiting for an expensive bike. Yes there is, he replied. I left feeling a little disheartened and began looking through eBay and Kijiji for a used rocket, when I received a call that changed my life. It was Tuesday July 14th 2015. At work I received a call from Atlantic Motoplex, a Triumph dealer in Moncton , NB. He asked if I was still interested in buying a Rocket X, and I said yes. He asked when could I be there, I told him to hold on as I checked my calendar and flight prices. I told him Friday. He said great and said he would see me soon. Everything had to be perfect for this coordinated bunch of craziness. I had pre-approval from the bank, and my insurance company to buy a out of province motorcycle, so I boarded the plane on Friday at 0400 with nothing but a helmet, 3 days of clothes and a license plate. I arrived 20mins before closing as my plane was delayed, but low and behold that was enough to sign all the required documents and install the plate. I began my insane roadtrip, first stop in Boston, MA for my initial service on Sunday. Followed by Cleveland on Tuesday, Chicago on Wednesday, Minneapolis on Thursday, arriving at Winnipeg later that night where my luck finally ran out. It was raining and I had been riding for the last 14 hours(it didn't seem like that long from the pilots seat), and I got cutoff by a mustang, pulled the rear brake a little too hard or the abs fired at the wrong time, not actually sure what went down, but I ended up high-siding my rocket, not even a week since I bought it. I was heartbroken once again over the same bike. Fortunately I was able to walk away from the crash, and even able to limp my beast home in 1st gear(as the shifter got mangled in the crash). A quick two month repair and she was putting again, Wride it long and hard until the snow fell about middle of November. Thinking back on that makes me wish I had kept all my gas and hotel receipts as I most definitely would have qualified for an iron butt award, doing a total of 5200km in 4 days.
I began my insane roadtrip, first stop in Boston, MA for my initial service on Sunday. Followed by Cleveland on Tuesday, Chicago on Wednesday, Minneapolis on Thursday, arriving at Winnipeg later that night where my luck finally ran out

Now THAT is dedication! Very cool story. Glad you and the R3 are OK.
Walked into the dealer, saw a 2014 touring sitting there,<cut> Thinking back on that makes me wish I had kept all my gas and hotel receipts as I most definitely would have qualified for an iron butt award, doing a total of 5200km in 4 days.

Now that is a bonding experience... :) Good to hear your girl was able to be repaired and you got your "Iron Butt" on.... ;-p
We all know the Rocket is the best bike second to none - although we may have others for different reasons but what made you choose it?

I'd been riding sports bikes for about 40 years. I fancied a change but didn't want to lose out on power or top end as many "cruisers" lose power about a ton. Loss of power IMO means loss of grunt. Reading specs, I decided to try the Rocket and am still grinning 4 years later.
(2005 R3)="Bro" "I'm feeling the grin,"Be Safe!