I like what you've done with the rad shroud; flows ferfectly with the belly pan. Very szmick.

Socks on a rooster......:roll:
Well Guys the White Daimond Pearl tins are paid for and will be shipped to me. After finding the body damage from G-Mans off I figure Gracie deserves some new tins. I will at least be keeping with Gary's color choice although it will be loosing the british flags stuff. I am removong the hard bags and pulling the lights and guard off them. I am going to ship them and the toruing seat down south to have them covered like the picture below.

I will be saving the electrical light install designed by Gary along with his bag crash bars. They will go back in when the bags return.
this should spiff her up a bit and make her feel al new on the outside :D
Next will be the carpenter pipe and then a stage 1 kit so she can continue to be the hooligan bagger Gary designed. I will also be retaining the cockpit but changing to the Classic Pull back bars as my wrist hurt to much with the OEM ones. Must be from breaking it badly 10 years ago.