Which Bluetooth ODB2 Connector works with the Rocket?

Already have an X-Grip for the iPhone, but maybe I should get one for the 7-inch Nexus tablet too. It would be large, but not ludicrously so on a motorcycle.
My intention is to completely remove the stock dual instrument guages and replace with a 7" android pad and a GPS above. The only thing I'm concerned with is the odometer for registration purposes.
My intention is to completely remove the stock dual instrument guages and replace with a 7" android pad and a GPS above. The only thing I'm concerned with is the odometer for registration purposes.
Ecu keeps track of mileage as well, I believe
Really? how do you extract that mileage info from the ECU ? I do not remember ever seeing that when I used Tune ECU. O
r did I miss it?
This is a great discussion. Once I get my android device and ODB connector, just need to figure out a nice way to mount it... I'd like to try and mount it behind my fly screen. Just need some ideas on how to securely fasten it to the fly screen in a horizontal position, and still be easy to remove and install... Hell I'd even consider just using industrial strength Velcro, but it needs to be in the right direction facing me..
This is a great discussion. Once I get my android device and ODB connector, just need to figure out a nice way to mount it... I'd like to try and mount it behind my fly screen. Just need some ideas on how to securely fasten it to the fly screen in a horizontal position, and still be easy to remove and install... Hell I'd even consider just using industrial strength Velcro, but it needs to be in the right direction facing me..
Xgrip by ram mount.
BAFX brand works a treat and has auto power off/on. I had mine mounted for week without battery issue.

Using it for a gauge display on a flat screen instead of the stock gauges will not work very well. The ECU only reports most data once a second, if you have Tune boy this can be modified for high speed reporting I have read.

For the record at least the 13+ models are obd2 not modified obd1 using the ISO9141-2 protocol. Data being unavailable is more about the ecu not calculating a lot of the available obd info and not reporting some things it does calculate.
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Xgrip by ram mount.

The X-Grip line works very well, though ideally you want to rotate the device to the horizontal so it rests on the tines rather than just being gripped by them.

It's a shame there are almost no good waterproof cases for anything except the iPhone (lifeproof.com) - there are generic cases but they're usually blocky and ugly or basically just plastic bags.

There are great ways to put the mounting ball on the bike too - you can replace the clamp for the clutch grip with one that has a ball, or you can replace a bolt holding the handlebars on with one that has a rubber ball on top. Both those are super discreet when you take the removable RAM arm off.