Which Bluetooth ODB2 Connector works with the Rocket?

Honostly all I really wanted was RPMS, Speed and a couple of other small things.. I dont need to know the ambient air temperature or vacuum pressure or anything... I always loved a Digital RPM and Speedometer.
This is the one I got, but be sure it's the one for Android.
It'll read codes and engine diagnostics, but you need to use a wired connection to adjust maps.
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I have one that i use with a Iphone, its a head*** though as i had to crack my iphone and install extra apps to get a blutooth adaptor to connect to a wireless programme, time for an android phone.
I have one that i use with a Iphone, its a head*** though as i had to crack my iphone and install extra apps to get a blutooth adaptor to connect to a wireless programme, time for an android phone.

Do what I did. I went to Deal Extreme and they have PLENTY of "non" standard brand name phones in 5, 5.5 and 6" sizes that run the latest version of android. I got a quad core 5" android phone with kitkat for $80 bucks. I dont plan on using it as a phone. They just dont make tablets smaller then 7". But for $80 for a fully functional device, how can you beat that. For $150 you can get a 8 Core Phone with HD screen. If you want details I can provide it
I think i have an android phone at home the Mrs gave me awhile back, was a bit small though