I may not have a job by then so I have to spend the time somehow...may as well be on the road on a bike since getting another job in my chosen profession would pretty much be out of the question for a while
Oil & Gas...several hundred thousand jobs gone already. There are folks already walking the street with far better credentials than I so if the hammer falls I don't expect to get another job any time soon. Will keep you posted on the route
Oil & Gas...several hundred thousand jobs gone already. There are folks already walking the street with far better credentials than I so if the hammer falls I don't expect to get another job any time soon. Will keep you posted on the route
yeah...the price of a barrel is way down even here in alberta the downturn is brutal,,
BTW on the week of july 13 till 17th in BC in the town of nelson ( close to the border) there is the RAT large triumph gathering with rides. brewery visit etc etc just in case you want to see more triumphs google it you might see some interesting stuff
Well considering we are still real new to the Rocket world and would love to attend something like RAA just a suggestion. Looking at how scattered out everybody is though out the country, Why not just pick a place in Kansas? Not as exciting as where all the Harley guys go but what the hell. Just a thought .
Well considering we are still real new to the Rocket world and would love to attend something like RAA just a suggestion. Looking at how scattered out everybody is though out the country, Why not just pick a place in Kansas? Not as exciting as where all the Harley guys go but what the hell. Just a thought .
Well considering we are still real new to the Rocket world and would love to attend something like RAA just a suggestion. Looking at how scattered out everybody is though out the country, Why not just pick a place in Kansas? Not as exciting as where all the Harley guys go but what the hell. Just a thought .
Did you actually say, KANSAS!
Home of the straightest, least scenic roadways in America???
I shall say that it would be very helpful and interesting to have a pin map of our North American members.
I figure 10 days or whatever you wish to partake in.
I suggest we choose a location first and then work out the when and how much.
How is Mexico going?
Being from Michigan it looks like quite a ride from here. I have never been on that long or extensive a ride by myself, but I have been thinking about giving it a try. Turning 69 and it's kind of on a bucket list if you know what I mean. I could see doing 2 out 2 back and 3 days to play around for me. Tell me, having never been to one, do other types of bikes join in or is it pretty much a Rocket Rider thing? As long a the weather is warm I like riding...not so much on the 30's, 40's and 50's all day. In spite of the gear I have, the old bones just don't like it.