My oil is fine, I appreciate your concern, but if Dirty Harry hadn't caught on we could have gotten good mileage out of this one. Back to the drawing board!:roll:
Catching on is one thing

Playing the spoiler is another.... :whitstling:

Gettin a bit hard to have some fun around here!
Catching on is one thing

Playing the spoiler is another.... :whitstling:

Gettin a bit hard to have some fun around here!
I would say this calls for drastic measures. I suggest we call an executive planning session at Horsefly Brewing Company in Montrose last week in June!
I would say this calls for drastic measures. I suggest we call an executive planning session at Horsefly Brewing Company in Montrose last week in June!

Ok buts it's just between You and Me! Nobody else! ...... Uh...... And Harry but nobody else!

Aw hell! Harry can't keep a secret! Ok just You Me Harry and the rest of the forum but thats it! :thumbsup:
Detective moderators, way to go Harry. Guess I will go back into seclusion!:roll:

Rolltide, for years you've known that just playing dress-up could not forever quell your smoldering passion and that someday that passion would force you out of closet. Now you've taken that bold first step and, with giggles of glee, your closest friends have welcomed the real Rolltide! No longer must you fear that your pink bra strap will sneak out from under your black wifebeater tee shirt. No longer must you keep your lace thong up around your knees when you take a dump in the gas station. No longer must you wonder if your friends are suspicious because you always have a big black cigar in your mouth but never light it. Rolltide, put on those stiletto heels and that red patent leather micro-mini skirt and get your a*s downtown where you belong! Your buddies are squirming with anticipation.