What's up! from Irvine, CA USA

Wellcome Back, Who said there was lot of laughts... where are they....where ...where !!!!
Welcome to the forum. Glad you survived the drunk. With the courts the way they are he probably got off with a good conduct medal and an annual stipend to support his alcohol consumption.
Thanks for the warm welcome, Gents!

Fortunately the driver was so tipsy he was telling me and everyone else at the scene that he had been drinking, so DUI was a no brainer. Watching him do the sobriety test would have been funny if it wasn't happening next to my obviously totalled bike. Don't know what happened in court but I received notice that part of his sentence was to "pay restitution". His insurance already covered me so I am not sure what that means...

I escaped with a scratched up helmet (Scorpion EXO-1000 helmet vs. asphalt --> helmet for the win!) and minor sprained shoulder. I did take some perverse pleasure in seeing what my beast of a bike did to his puny import tuner...