What to do ..What to do - looking at 'companion' complement bike

The days I do not feel like riding the R3 - I just go a trundling.


Had her since ’82 - will have it long after the R3 is gone. If she just had another 20-30kmh more motorway cruising speed I'd not need the R3 tbh.
That Beemer K model feels like your riding a laser beam along top a razor's edge. A little spooky until you adjust to it's aggressive precision.:whitstling::thumbsup:

Very classic trundler, btw, graybeard!:cool:
Growing up my neighbor owned the local Honda shop. I used to go over and uncrate motorcycles just to ride them to his showroom 6 miles away. The CBX was the first bike I put together he would not let me ride to the shop. I did get to ride it eventually. I was like 17 and it scared the crap out of me. Can you imagine having the carbs balanced LOL.
Love my Rune , engine's smooth as cream and handles great for such a big bike. with such low miles I'd be buyin it!!!!

Rolling sex machine. I do think this version of Rune is the pinnacle of motorcycle visual appeal on a cruiser. One of the guys in honolulu has one finished in a custom dark green paint with custom saddle that keeps me staring like most HD owners stare at the rocket. I just can't take my eyes off it!!

If I ever have the disposable, a Rune will be my 4th bike along side 2 rockets and a daytona!