What motivates you?

I think one common denominator of all of us is an elevated level of insanity. If I wanted to be like everybody else, I would have gotten a black Harley, spent more time polishing it than in the saddle...I would have dressed up like a pirate a couple of times a year whenever I decided to abscond with the garage queen for a trip to Hooters to get a pic with a waitress on it...nah...I just want to ride!...you know, RIDE!

NOW your getting the idea BUT I have a bunch of bikes and they are all fun so you have to buy a pile of them and then they call you CRAZY
I just sold 3 of my 7 bikes. I understand 100% where you are coming from. i am not done thinning the herd. I still have a Ural 750 Tourist to sell along with a Kawasaki Vulcan 800 Classic. I would be down to just 2 bikes. Both of them are a lot of fun.
My racing days have long passed me by.
I have aged too much for my other competitive and adventure activities.
AND . . . sometimes a man just has to head out and BLOW THE STINK OFF! (feel younger)
The Roadster REALLY BLOWS it off for me!!!
I had had tiny bikes, and I had had medium sized bikes, and had a very practical and useful bike - that had started boring the **** out of me. I looked at what to get next. It had to tour, it had to appeal to me, and if it was a little insane and very cool that didn't hurt. Started looking, found the Touring, saw the black and red, fell in lust, found one that hadn't sold and was 5 grand less than local MSRP - traded my bike in for it and haven't looked back since.