What motivates you?


.020 Over
May 19, 2016
Naperville, IL 60564
Howdy all?

I am fairly new to the R3 world. However I could not stop myself from noticing that the buyers of this beast of a bike have something in common. I think I have a pretty good idea what unites us all.
Anyway, this is a bit of an informal way to find out what really motivates most of us to buy this monster on 2 wheels: Please tell us HONESTLY why you bought your R3. Think of THE main reason you bought it and share it with us.
In the meantime, ride safe and show off those 2300 ccs of awesome British engineering to those who dare cross our path.
I think that HD prices have something to do with it. But how about the Europeans where HD bikes are more than a luxury item?
I bought the Rocket after a test ride as it handled and stopped better than any of the other cruisers and it has that fantastic 2300CC 3 cycl, watercooled double overhead cam, 4 valves, dual plugs, drive shaft and I wanted to modify one as I knew it would make massive amounts of reliable HP and even out perform the fastest sport bikes and all this in a comfy cruiser that would do it all for me
I've been riding since the mid-80s with many different styles of bikes. When I was considering a change I thought back to what bike I owned in the past that I rode the most miles and had the most fun and comfort on. For me that was a Honda VTX1800C. I liked the riding position and it had lots of power. There are good used ones of those out there but I thought to myself there must be another option- something newer, something different. A little research and wow - what is that?! So newer (still being made) + cruiser style + different/unique/wow + all the power I need = R3. And it didn't hurt I got a great deal on it too.
My friend had a triumph Storm. I'm over 6' tall and make most bikes look small. So proportionally speaking the Rocket fits. Also I don't have to be at the front of a pack but if I ever decide I want to be, I want to be !!! Also after spending alot of money making my Harley go fast, l didn't want to do all that again to only get passed by someone on a Roadliner or Stratoliner. I liked the way Triumph is their own company. They don't try to make a V twin like all the others but have produced something different that does things bigger , faster, and with a good amount of style. I like my Rocket 3 Touring.
I think that's more than ONE reason. But I would have to agree that the main reason I am suspecting all of us share is definitely there.
I too am big and most bikes look like mopeds under my big and chunky ass. I suspect most of us fall into this category. However, I think that some are simply attracted by a HUGE bike that is also a cruiser but has the soul of a sports bike.
You did list almost EVERY reason why we have made the choice of buying our R3s. I would add that I don't look like Snoopy when I hop on it. It commands respect because it's such a huge bike. No one can dare to disrespect you. Especially not the Harley owners. Although my neighbors have both Road Kings and are the nicest folks you can ever meet. Some Harley owners are simply ass holes because they are on a machine that costs $30,000 or more. The price of your ride should not define how you look at others that share the same passion for bikes. At least that's how I feel.
Some ****** rocket ass holes are also exactly like that. They feel superior because their bikes are fast. I have news to most of them: The R3 can toast the vast majority of them.