What has Triumph done to lower power in tour compared to classic?

Yes Ponters you can get the same monster power or enough to make it like a Standard/Classic/Roadster out of the touring. Its all ECU mapping and of course the other goodies like pipes and intake.

thanks mate. are the throttle boddies exactly the same? i understand the only other problem is the tyre as it is not speed rated for decent speed but thats easy enough sorted. just wondering if tb's are the same then we are free to unleash the monster.
thanks mate. are the throttle boddies exactly the same? i understand the only other problem is the tyre as it is not speed rated for decent speed but thats easy enough sorted. just wondering if tb's are the same then we are free to unleash the monster.

When I bought my '08 I remember checking the TB part numbers and they were the same. Whether or not that's still the case I don't know, but its still the same motor and all the bolt ons should be interchangeable. If it weren't for the different back end the exhaust would exchange as well I suspect.
That's correct. The R3T has less hp, but it bit more torque than the Standard or Classic. The Roadster has more of both. I've ridden the Standard and Classic plenty and owned a R3T and, Frankly, there really isn't that much difference in them. Every one of them will pretty much slaughter anything on the road through the gears. After that, pretty much any ****** rocket will slaughter them.

That's right, I was sitting at a stop light beside a stratoliner and tour deluxe Saturday, I hit 115 mph in just a few seconds and they were a memory. It was like they were on scooters.:D