What did you do to your Rocket today?

What's with the spirals? I looks like you were tracking the path of Hurricane Tribal.
Hmm, good point - I changed it. X marks the spot where the bodies are buried...
It was supposed to represent sleeping/dreaming of the days ride at each stop.
Seemed better than the yellow star with a smiley face.
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just a question about the adaptation...once a new tune installed wouldn’t the 12 min thing be unnecessary?
Cruised the backroads with the wife at 40-50mph just checking out the scenery. Yesterday did some twistys by myself and was thinking I was getting really good gas mileage because I was going so slow, it felt like I was going 40 but looked at the speedometer and I was going 70.
Well as some of you may remember, i traded my 2016 Roadster back in the beginning of Feb. It sold a couple of weeks later and the new owner rang me and we had a long chat.He loves the bike. When he 's doing chores outside for his lady, he parks it so he can see it...he is constantly going out to the shed and looking at it....just like we all do right?
Well, we have talked quite a few times and i told him i had a couple of seats and a set of 'Rizoma' mirrors for it...we agreed on a price and yesterday Nick came and met me and swapped some cash for the seats and mirrors.
While chatting out in my shed he spotted my still and so the discussion turned to the history behind moonshine...Nascar etc. Needless to say he left after about an hour with a bottle of shine and a Rocket 111 lapel badge for his jacket which i had sitting in a box. I think he will join our "Triumph Riders Club' which is New Zealand wide. We have over 50 members here in the Canterbury chapter. Nick has ridden Triumphs all his riding life and can't believe he now owns 'my' rocket. He saw it in Hanmer one weekend when there was a Triumph bike gathering up there which a bunch of us from here went to. I remember him coming up to us and drooling over the Rockets that weekend. He tells me that he wont add anything to the bike as its all he wanted to do anyway...that's very cool and i'm really pleased that someone such as Nick has got my baby. Looking forward to riding with a new found friend on a great bike.