i sure hope that they did not use 2l of fork fluid

one liter would would do 4 bikes
Ahh nope 1 litre 334 cc for a pair.

Oil refilling
The oil level specified for Rocket III and Classic forks is 89 mm from the upper surface of the fork outer tube, with the springs removed and the fork fully compressed.
1. Fill the fork with SAE Sw (or Kayaba KHL 15-10> fork oil until the oil level is slightly above the recommended level.
Alternatively add 667cc of oil if filling a completely empty fork.
2. Pump the fork assembly and damper several times to expel any trapped air then fully compress the fork
and support it in an upright position. Leave the fork for a few minutes to allow the oil level to stabilise.
3. Set the scale on tool 3880160-T0301 to the specified level (dimension A below).
• Zero level on the tool is set at the small exit
hole in the side of the scale tube, NOT AT THE
END TIP. Do not attempt to block this sidehole,
as this will cause the final fluid level to be
4. Insert the scale end of the tool into the fork inner
5. Hold the tool adjuster plate level with the upper
surface of the fork outer tube and draw fluid into the
syringe until fluid flow ceases (empty the syringe if
the body becomes full before fluid flow stops).
6. The fluid level in the fork is now set to the height set
on the tool scale. Check the tool scale setting and
repeat the process if incorrectly set.
Incorrect oil levels, particularly over filling, can result in
damage to the fork seals. Damaged fork seals are a
dangerous riding condition that can lead to loss of
motorcycle control and an accident.
Z Position the fork assembly as for compression of the
fork spring during strip down.
8. Insert the fork spring and spring cap to the outer
9. Attach tool 3880085-T0301 to the threads of the
damper rod and pull the damper upwards.
1. Tool
10. Refit the spring spacer.