What did you do to your Rocket today?

Flogged him on the rattler. Might have surprised a couple slingshots. A bunch of teisties on that road but did manage a quick punch up to 140 before I had the scrub the speed off. make dome suspension adjustments tonight when I get back to the trailer. I was able to get a spot at the waters edge campground for now with hookup.

I did The front seal on one side of my Rocket Inside the Homer Tunnel.

Still had a short ride to get back to town.
Cost $400 bucks to go with the new rear tire that cost $585 two days early. Expensive trip away to the The Bert Munro Challenge week.

While installing my keyless ignition I also was replacing my led display that I thought went bad. Turned out mice chewed the old cable, but style was discontinued, had to change unit anyway. Plug changed on new one. Dynojet changed the mounting holes pattern also, but I had an adapter to fit, except they also changed the screw size, wtf, why change all that stuff, cable plug, pattern, screw size too? So a trip to the hardware store tomorrow to actually mount it. Also dicovered I accidentally unplugging tender connector, don't know when, if it was January I hope I didn't smoke my battery. I had headlights, but dim, waiting till it charges overnight to fire it up.
Built a nifty mod to move the rear brake reservoir farther outboard to triple the clearance to my CES header.
Had some fun today going to work. Opened her up all the way for the first time after last upgrades. Very happy. Pegged speedometer in fourth. Maybe not one of the fastest builds but very satisfied. Shift into 5th and she kept on going. No wobble or problems. Must have done something right
Oh boy, the weather in the UK at the moment... My Rocket has done an embarrassingly small number of miles this year. I'm not a fairweather rider (honest), but I ride for fun and when it's raining so hard that you can't really see what's going on, fun it isn't.

I did get out for a couple of hours last weekend - around 100 miles in the Chilterns, so a nice ride, and pulled into On Yer Bike to have a perve at the new metal and a bacon bap, then home for tea and biscuits with the vicar.

It was nice to get out, but I really miss riding regularly - can't wait for summer to be over so the rain will stop!