What did you do to your Rocket today?

I adjust mine to high beam, 1 degree down, 1 degree right (left for you) at 20 feet (6 metres).
Installed the newer clutch pressure plate, with ball bearing, lifter piece and lifter rod. Installed new detent spring and the other spring that's in there, while I had it open. Removing a "not broken" detent spring, is harder than installing a new one! Older style thrust bearing had started coming apart, symptoms were constantly having to take up slop in the clutch cable. Old lifter piece, and lifter rod, were badly worn. 05 with 65,000 miles. Already had Barnett clutch from previous repair.
This morning I lifted the tank, removed left headlight, removed ignition cover,unplugged big grey connector,pulled ignition end and wiring out to the front of the bike.Stripped all protective wrapping from wires and found three which look like they have been trapped and showing bare wire.Now could this be the dreaded click I have been chasing forever.Or will it just be another false attempt of which will only end in disappointment when the dreaded click returns in a few days.Got to do temp repair in morning as run out of time today work.MOT (UK annual inspection)at 11.00 in morning also let's hope tomorrow is a good day
Seen the weather for tomorrow morning?? 50mph winds and horizontal rain...lol
Seen the weather for tomorrow morning?? 50mph winds and horizontal rain...lol

Well weather not as bad as forecast MOT pass no problems and dreaded click seems solved for now happy days.oil and filter done tyres front and rear cobra chromes awesome, rear pads done new prime tps fitted, bevel box oil done splines greased. 30 minute ride which involved making a 3ltr vw look stupid i class this as a good day bring on the summer