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Hello from Kentucky,Again

I am RocketRider from Vine Grove,Ky. Have had my Rocket since September of 06; have 10k miles on it; just love to ride. I am a member of the Southern Cruisers Riding Club of the Etown-Vine Grove area so I do a lot of group riding. My R3 is mustard yellow with black engine. I plan on doing some quarter mile runs at the track this summer; just curious as to what the bike can really do. Nice to be part of this forum.
hello from Georgia

I just joined R3, haven't got my rocket yet, I purchased a 2006 rocketlll classic, I'm flying down to west palm Beach Fl, monday(2-18-08) to pick it up and drive back to ga. Should be a great first ride on my new rocket lll. I've been riding a yamaha venture for a couple of years and decided it was time to up grade.
Have A Great Ride

West Palm....huh? I used to work there years ago training and racing greyhounds. This ought to be a great time of year to make the ride back to Georgia. Rubber side down!
There are quite a few of you who have sneaked in and I just want to say hi to those I missed. Pianoman that last pushup you did wasn't quite regulation so start over!! arb515 I'm going to your neighbor Tenn to get my next rocket. wlw50 if you had time the train ride is pretty nice. I wont ask as I will be doing nearly the same thing going away from the largest source of nearby rockets to get mine unless they get what I want before hand. I go thru Newman several times a year so we may hook up.
Baggage1,I know what you mean about going a long way to get what you want, especially when it's at a price I'm willing to pay, Anytime your going to be in the Newnan area let me know and maybe we can hook. Pianoman,It was a great ride, got a pretty good sun burn the first day, from west palm to Tifton Ga, but the next monring was quite different, 35 deg at 7:30 when I left the motel, the last 198 miles was a chilly ride, but thats what rideing is all about, I wouldn't have it any other way, happy with the my new rocket3 and enjoyed the whole ride, it was great.
New R3 Owner

I purchased a 2006 R3 Classic June 20th, 2008. I had finially decided to purchase the Herritage Softtail and walked over to the Trimuph dealer to waste some time. My eyes beheld the Rocket III up close for the first time. I climbed aboard and said this is it, forget the Harley. So far I love it.
Today, I went to Hardee's to get to wife and kids breakfast. I made a nice wide turn to park and all was ok. I was in the process of setting to kick stand and got off center and she began to fall on the left side. I could not stop it, gravity had taken hold. So, I helped her fall as soft as I could. Sereral people watched, never helped. So, I put my butt into her seat and lifted her by the left handle bar. I was amazed when I searched for the feared damage and could not find a scratch. When I arrived home, I did notice a small scratch on the left mirror. Yes, I told my family.
The rest of the day was great. My son and I went for a nice road trip. I bought him a 07' 750 Shadow Spirit for highschool graduation. Both sons will be attending the MMI Motorcycle Mechanics Institute staring in Sept this year.
I'm pleased to have found this site. Look forward the dressing my new baby. Starting with a windshield first since I will be driving 150 mi round trip to work. Any help with after market windshieds would be appriciated.
Raf in Jax FL
Glad you joined us

Well, welcome to the site, Rocket ownership and getting the falling down part out of the way early! I did the same thing in my garage about a week after I bought my 05. It was slow motion all right and I was a little suprised to be able to pick it up.....though it took a few hard lifts with my legs to do it.

I bought a GT-25 windshield from ClearView. If you want, you can ask them to put an adjustable vent right in the middle. It can only be done as the windshield is being made.....not as a cut out later.
Alright another SE member!! Don't feel too bad about dropping it. I managed to do it at 3 mph in MSF class :eek:. I did it again and it broke so I got a new one just like the old one.:D Get some time off in Sept. if you can so can make the 3rd annual get together in Arkansas.
Welcome, I'm just down the road in p'cola.
Another New Recruit

Hello All, I'm Adam, A Brit now living in FL. USA. I have owned my 08 Rocket III classic for around 6 hours. Just drove it 100 miles from Daytona back home. I have to say even in the rain I smiled the whole way. Im sure Ill be a frequent postrer with lots of questions. Great Forum!!
You wont find a better rain traveler, ah yet another smart joiner who likes to ride ALL year ;). Did you head N. or S. from Daytona? Welcome and do try and make it to the get together in Arkansas this Sept.:D
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