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Well holy crap,don't tell me theres more than 3 rockets in the state..Welcome Crag..Do you know a guy called Scotten In Casper?? Haven't heard from him in a while..We started out on the rat site 3 years ago. I have an 05 also, one of the first 800 in the states. I have owned this bike longer than any before it because it never gets boring..Wait till you get about 1500 on your bike ,then they start to run. Check out my picture album for Spike and get some picts of yours started in your own album..Theres a few werdos here but they won't hurt you.There from back in the states and don't know any better. Sending you a PM...Jack
Inflatable sheep? Heck there is enough live ones in Wyoming that we don't need the fake ones!!
new r3 owner

HELLO, Im new here and glad i found you guys. Im 48 years oid (feel like 65) and have been a rider all my life, the last 13 years has been nothing but harleys, i own a independant bike shop in texas where we work on harleys only, i have been following the R3 since 05 and have been VERY intrested. WELL I DID IT. bought an 07 r3 classis, and yes im catching hell from my buds. I will get my hands on the r3 on wed. the17th cant hardly wait. Im sure i will have questions about performance mods, as i never leave anything bone stock. Thanks in advance, GRAY DOG.
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