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cat eyes

Pianoman; The head light covers are just an old time custom item for cars that old farts like me remember. JP cycles & JC whittney sell them. Bout 7 bucks each. Not really good for nite riding. Iam to old to ride at night..Jack
Great to have you contributing Jack. Have no clue about WY. Think I rode there one year after Sturgis, but I am a city boy and got out fairly quickly as I thought I was going to ride off the edge of the earth! Kidding, wonderful country. Hope to hear from you alot, and Toystoretom does deserve a medal.

"If Ya're gunna be stupid Ya better be tuff ... cause there ain't no education in the second mule kick"

I guess that says it all.

I've been drooling for an R3 since I first heard about it in '04.

Getting close to purchase time.....:roll:
Wow!!! What a name and intro!!! I'm just gonna call ya Two Dub (or what ever you want :D)...

Welcome and I hope you get your bike soon... they are a hoot!!


Wow, that's a moniker.

There is education in the second kick. If you let the first get by without retribution, you deserve the second. I've broken a few horses in my younger years and fact is, if they kick you the first time and you don't get their attention via 2x4, you deserve the second shot.:D

When you get an R3, you'll find it easier to manage than four legged conveyances. Faster too.
Mark from Ohio

Hi All,
I'm Mark from Ohio. I own a blue 07 Rocket Classic. I've had some decel popping issues and it's very hot to ride on hot days. Anyone have any suggestions for these issues? Also, I purchased a factory service manual part # 3852294 Issue 3, dated 01.2006. Is this the most recent maual for my year of rocket? Thanks!
Hi Mark

Hi Mark:

I'm Flip. Used to be from Ohio, now from Michigan. I presume you are either east of Cleveland or near Columbus as I see there a few dealers out that way. As far as the decel popping, I believe all the stock bikes have it. It's a product of the emissions compliant hardware and I guess you can fix it with a Tuneboy or a PCIII if you want to, for some money, that is.

The bikes are hot to ride in hot, humid weather. It's a big motor and a big radiator and the heat has to go somewhere. As far as I know, Triumph isn't offering air conditioning on the R3 yet.:D I've read that removal of the catalytic converter box (if yours is filled with catalyst) will reduce the heat somewhat but then you'll have to replace it with a bypass pipe and that's some money too.

As far as the shop manual, I imagine other than the rear brake pipe re-routing (for cornering clearance), any manual will do. Nothing other than some minor cosmetic changes have taken place.

Interesting, even my T100 which is heavily modified barks a little on decel.

Hang around, this place gets interesting on occasion.
Craig from Wyoming

Hi guys. I am Craig and I live in Casper, WY. I found an 05 Graphite Rocket with 441 miles on it. I am coming to it from a VTX1800 that I have done tons of mods too. I have wanted a Rocket for 2 years now and really wanted a graphite color one so I am pleased I found one that was practically new for a great price!! Now to begin the accessories and mods. I will be posting questions in the forums and appreciate any input you can all give to help me make the right choices. Thanks in advance for a great forum!! Craig
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