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Pig9r said:
Matt it would be a good transition from the fastest and most powerful street bike to the fastest most powerful cruiser.

true that! thanx for recognizing the busa.
The Best Forum Yet

I'm Dave McCubbin from Overland Park, Kansas USA. Going through male menapause and the R3 sure makes the journey a lot more fun. I've been in the entertainment business for 45 years and still loving it. I'm doing something I like, sitting down and in doors most of the time! I have a 05 Red R3 and just had Beetle Bags and Staintune 3/3 exhaust added to the collection of goodies.
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Hey Piano Man... we have a lot of KC people here... we'll get together for a show of force!!!:D
New Rocket Owner

Hi all!
As of last Saturday, I am the proud owner of an '06 Rocket Classic ( red & white).
I currently have an '02 Bonneville Centennial and a '71 Daytona, so Brits are in my blood.
I enjoy long distance riding, and have completed a couple of Iron Butt certifications, so I will be wanting to pick the list's collective brains for mods related to comfort and convenience. Email me with any questions about 2 of my other loves, Cave Diving & Florida (YES! we have hills & curves in Florida..Well, North Florida anyway).
John Dunk, Lake City Florida
Welcome Screwloose and congrats on your new addition. I've had my Classic since March and love it. I also have a vintage Triumph. There are plenty of other Triumph junkies around here so you are in good company. If you are looking for accessories for long distance riding check out the Prop Wand FAQ, there is a collective list of links that might give you some ideas.
Where Are The Hills?

Welcome to the group. I had a home in Ft. Myers from '78 until last December. The only elevation we had in the south part was man made. In that neck of the woods, hurricanes were almost as bad as old people driving. For the first few years I kept seeing cars driving down the road with no driver. When they have to drive...... looking through the steering wheel.... there's bound to be trouble.

As far as comfort goes I just had AussieBiker redo my pallion and it is wider, longer and more padded than the original one. If I remember the width is 8.5" in the front - 11.5 in the back - 12" long and 4" deep. Now I'm waiting on the backrest from Utopia. It actually bolts onto the pallion so when you want to use it, just put the pillion on. When you're just around town, you can remove it.

Also, some of us are replacing the stock shock with Progressive 440's. :D
Welcome Screwloose!!!

My wife is off to Pensacola tommorrow from here in the KC area... time to visit the Mother In Law..There are a few slopes there, not many. I like it though.

We have a few people here that have done some miles... way up over 20K anyway... Maybe we should start a long distance forum???

Welcome Screwloose and congrats on your choice of bikes. I raise chickens here in Missouri and back in 2000 I was one percentage point too high(loan financing) from moving your way and growing for Goldkist. I have three brothers living in Florida now; Jax, Gainesville, and Plantation so moving there is kind of a no brainer.....we'll see..

.....anyway hope you enjoy it here.

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