Hi Mark
Hi Mark:
I'm Flip. Used to be from Ohio, now from Michigan. I presume you are either east of Cleveland or near Columbus as I see there a few dealers out that way. As far as the decel popping, I believe all the stock bikes have it. It's a product of the emissions compliant hardware and I guess you can fix it with a Tuneboy or a PCIII if you want to, for some money, that is.
The bikes are hot to ride in hot, humid weather. It's a big motor and a big radiator and the heat has to go somewhere. As far as I know, Triumph isn't offering air conditioning on the R3 yet.
I've read that removal of the catalytic converter box (if yours is filled with catalyst) will reduce the heat somewhat but then you'll have to replace it with a bypass pipe and that's some money too.
As far as the shop manual, I imagine other than the rear brake pipe re-routing (for cornering clearance), any manual will do. Nothing other than some minor cosmetic changes have taken place.
Interesting, even my T100 which is heavily modified barks a little on decel.
Hang around, this place gets interesting on occasion.