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Thanks for dropping in!!! Even if you are an "old timer" why don't you post a little something here? The new people, the old people, and everyone in between like to know who they are talking to. It gives your avatar a little character!!

I be Toystoretom and live in Blue Springs Missouri, a suburb of Kansas City. I have a black 05 Rocket. That bike makes me grin more than just about anything else I've ever ridden. I have a cat that I will ship to you, I just need your address.....
Thanks for dropping in!!! Even if you are an "old timer" why don't you post a little something here? The new people, the old people, and everyone in between like to know who they are talking to. It gives your avatar a little character!!

I be Toystoretom and live in Blue Springs Missouri, a suburb of Kansas City. I have a black 05 Rocket. That bike makes me grin more than just about anything else I've ever ridden. I have a cat that I will ship to you, I just need your address.....
Hello everyone! I have a 2014 Roadster and wife has 2014 Speedmaster. Thanks for the add!
Hello Everyone,

Newbie here. Just bought a used 2005 R3 after owning a 1979 Triumph Bonneville Special and 1979 Triumph Bonneville for the last 15 years.

WOW! After my first R3 ride I believe my arms are now 2 inches longer. What incredible power. I've been wanting an R3 since they came out. The wife said if I get one it better have a comfortable seat. Well, I found one with what she wanted. Happy wife, happy life.

Bill - Chicopee, MA
Hello Everyone,

Newbie here. Just bought a used 2005 R3 after owning a 1979 Triumph Bonneville Special and 1979 Triumph Bonneville for the last 15 years.

WOW! After my first R3 ride I believe my arms are now 2 inches longer. What incredible power. I've been wanting an R3 since they came out. The wife said if I get one it better have a comfortable seat. Well, I found one with what she wanted. Happy wife, happy life.

Bill - Chicopee, MA

From WA State
Thanks for dropping in!!! Even if you are an "old timer" why don't you post a little something here? The new people, the old people, and everyone in between like to know who they are talking to. It gives your avatar a little character!!

I be Toystoretom and live in Blue Springs Missouri, a suburb of Kansas City. I have a black 05 Rocket. That bike makes me grin more than just about anything else I've ever ridden. I have a cat that I will ship to you, I just need your address.....
Greetings from Los Angeles. I picked up my first Triumph last week. It's a beautiful 2008 two tone blue Touring R3 and boy am I loving it. I have been a Yamaha Roadstar rider for the last 14 years and needed a bit of a change. The R3 is amazing and so far so good. I do have a question or two though. Hopefully someone can point me in the right direction on which pullback risers work best without having to change the cables. Also I am hoping its normal for the tranny to sound out a pronounced clunk when shifting? I am really hoping that this thing is as trouble free as my Roadstar has been. Man is this thing fast!!!
Thanks for having me here!
Hello All. I'm living in the beautiful lake country of Central Minnesota. I ride a 2005 Rocket and my wife rides a 2004 Speedmaster. I handed it down to her after buying my Rocket in 2007 and added a few mods to make her comfortable. I love my Rocket and have about 130,000 miles riding the darkside. (about 140,000 miles total) It's been an incredibly dependable bike but at the midpoint of this year it started jumping teeth in 4th gear. Oh well.....who needs it! I still love this bike and don't plan to worry about it until maybe the end of next year. Has anyone else had this problem?
@Tbone @Bill Wisniewski @Phil Barnett @R3D
If you fellows would go to the "Introduce Yourself" forum once again THEN CLICK on "Start New Thread" at the top right of the screen,
You can start your own personal thread, tell us a little about yourself, add your motor year/model and your location, then we can all see it and give youse a proper welcome!!!
Hello, my name is Bob and I live in Ontario Canada. I just had the best 4 months on my new 2015 Rocket III Roadster. I have tucked it in for the winter now and miss it every day. Now all I do is think about what I should be doing to my R3 in anticipation for next summer. I am looking at the Ramair filter box removal kit and have questions, hence the community interest. Where better to go for answers...
What are the first items I should be looking at for my riding experience ? I haven't had a bike in a very long time so the newbe needs to learn a lot. Any and all suggestions are welcome. Thanks a lot in advance.
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