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Hi. I'm Mc from South Africa. Just bought myself a 2011 Rocket Roadster last week.
Looked for 3 Months before I found one for sale. I'm loving the bike.
Welcome to the site from New Jersey, USA.:thumbsup: Hopefully, you'll be McLovin' the big girl for many years to come.

Enjoy the ride!
Welcome McLovin from another of the Aussies, Ken (@cusso ken) I actually have a T shirt with that Ratfink picture on it, one of the Americans did a run of them, just cant remember who it was
G,day Hanso ,a little funny story a few years ago a new hot rod club on the coast formed ,and they adopted a Ed Roth cartoon character as their logo,and some of the Members actually had the character tattooed on their arms or legs ,well as with a lot of the newer clubs it was a breakaway from a major Club and it was formed in haste and soon imploded due to ego's and personality clashes but the tattoos remain
like having an old girlfriend/wife tattoo as a reminder of love gone wrong:oops::laugh:
G,day Hanso ,a little funny story a few years ago a new hot rod club on the coast formed ,and they adopted a Ed Roth cartoon character as their logo,and some of the Members actually had the character tattooed on their arms or legs ,well as with a lot of the newer clubs it was a breakaway from a major Club and it was formed in haste and soon imploded due to ego's and personality clashes but the tattoos remain
like having an old girlfriend/wife tattoo as a reminder of love gone wrong:oops::laugh:

So what happens when the Roth copyright infringement is enforced regarding the tats???
Hey, Name Chris I have a Triumph Rocket Roadster 2014. Found this website after back wheel went flat and did a Google search. Now I'm off to find that thread that talks about replacing the back wheel and going over to the dark side.
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