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I'm an american first Brit second, came here '66 Aerospace Engineer, formerly Rolls Royce. Retired now (from working for someone else) 74 years. own 2004 Rocket III, 78 Bonnie 650, 68 Tiger cub.
Spend my time with Honey Do's, Designing and Building Ortrhotic devices and restoring my old bikes.
Thr Rocket is all I the weight can handle, (180lb OLD weakilng)
I am working on a quick retractable safety stand for traffic stops, cuurently solid but changing to wheels. ( training wheels?) rachet down trigger rewlease up, possible electric trigger at 5mph+
Is anyone in the same fix as I am? , Your input/interest would be most welcome, I listen to anyone as sooner or later useful info comes through.
My location is Pahrump NV, just south of Death Valley, a bit warm for riding at present most ride are about 6.00am back by midday.
Does anyone have AirConditioning for the Rocket III ??
Ride Safe Y'All
Cheers Ron Hallam
private Email hallam@pahrump.com or this site, It is now part of my morning ckeck
Welcome Ron,

You are doing all that stuff and still found time to put a little something about yourself on this forum.....WOWWWWW!

If I understand correctly you have trouble holding the Rocket up at stops and are remedying the situation with an invention. Sounds interesting. This would sure be better than a trike or side car cuz you could still maneuver the bike with the thrill factor intact. Very clever.

Does anyone have Air Conditioning for the Rocket III ??
Sure but the scenery gets boring after the 3rd or 4th lap around the indoor arena.....a bit smelly as well.
Welcome Ron. Your stop light stand idea sounds good I bet you could sell a few a long the way especially if they could be lowered to help with parking lot type maneuvers.

I've got a restored '70 Bonneville myself however I don't find much time to ride it anymore since I got my Rocket.
RongWay Ron... you sound like our parts driver ... It must be scorching down there, you should engineer a spray cooler that shoots out of the windshield. (I'm full of big ideas )...

Pay no attention to me... Welcome to our website and please do join in!!
2 Triumph's

I've always been intrigued by the R3, right from my first demo ride last year. In late 2003 I bought a T100 from the dealer in Kalamazoo, Michigan for a Christmas present to myself. I'd been away from bikes for a number of years and I wasn't even aware that Triumph was building bikes again, let alone quality bikes without "Prince of Darkness" electrics and "Night Visitor" carburetion. In my younger days I owned and rode many bikes including Triumph, Norton, Yamaha, Velocette and MV Agusta. My 2 favorites (and the ones I wish I'd kept) were the Norton P-11A Scrambler and the '68 T120 Bonneville. With the demise of Kenny Dreer (I was waiting anxiously for a 955 Roadster) and the rarity of a bristol condition '68 T120, I bought the T100.

Of course I just had to change the asthetics of the T100 to match the T120 with the addition of a custom formed exhaust system and peashooter mufflers and I never was a fan of blue pipes, so the AI was removed and the headers plasma coated with a high temperature proprietary coating. Being a member of the NTBF and a poster there though much more of a lurker, I saw a post about a sidecar rig on a T100, contacted the poster and set out on a journey that took 2 years to complete. A T100 with a Motorvation Spyder sidecar painted to match the blue and white T100 complete with PM twin piston disc brakes, leather interior and a whole bunch of other goodies. Sad to say, however, the T100 has become more of a show bike than a daily rider.

That brings me to the R3.

2 weeks ago, the local Triumph dealership in Toledo (Rossford), Ohio had a demo ride and of course I signed up. I signed up for a Thruxton, not the R3 but I was taken by the Deep Red and Cream R3 on the Triumph website and low and behold, the demo was a red and cream R3 with Corbin Beetle Bags. I had to have a ride so I stuffed my face with a Bratwurst, ate some chips and downed a Coke and changed my ride assignment. The ride was like my first one last year only I like the wider bars and the non-monochromatic color scheme better. I understand (from reading posts on the Rat.Net as well as the NTBF) that the driveline problem seems cured so after my ride, I pursued another bike for the garage (and me). The clincher on the deal was the free windshield and the 4.99/24 months at $99.00 per month. I like using other's money when I can. 2 years from now, I'll pay it off, just in time to retire.

I took delivery yesterday, rode it home and jumped in the pool (it's hot here). This morning, my wife and I got up early, put the lids on and went to breakfast and then did 150 miles and smiles. It's an awesome bike, very comfortable and capable. I didn't get the Corbin set (I feel they make the bike look like a VTX from the rear and they are insanely expensive to boot). I opted for the 3 buckle Triumph leather (I think!!) bags, the touring seat and the high backrest/rack. I now have a bagger with balls.
Congrats on the new addition. I have a 1970 Bonneville that has seen very little road time since purchasing a Rocket in March. In fact I am considering selling it because it before it ends up being neglected. I too was drawn to the Classic's two tone paint, except I got the faster red and black.
Thanks for the write up Flip. Love the Rocket story and the color choice.
The financing figures on the Rocket don't look right unless you intended on finances around 2,400 dollars. Wish I was able to put a hefty down payment on my Rocket.

Hope to see some pics make it on our state of the art photo gallery.
Welcome Flip!! That's a great intro, It sounds like you are already becoming addicted to your Rocket III....

State of the art photo album.... only if I don't blow it up

New member

Howdy gents and ladies.Busajack here from Cheyenne Wy.the lowest populated state in the union.(and for good reason)All i can say for this place is,its a nice safe place to raise kids. But my kids are all raised.Can't leave now (grand kids)and on and on. Climbing the walls this winter.No projects. Spike in the basement amused me for the last two winters. Leaving him alone this year.He needs a rest from being torn apart each winter. Anyhow most u old timers know me from Ratnet.For the new guys my bike is called spike. Go to the members album and see him.Posted picts already. Yes i love to show off. Most people with the mind of a 16 year old do. I have lurked here since this site opened but too computer illiterate to post. Should say illiterate period. I went to school in fhiladelphia.LOL Came out here with the airforce in 1965 been here ever since.Last job before retirement was intergrated electronics systems inspector for the MX Peacekeeper missile system. See even a dumb ass can have a hot s**t job description. Lots of experance with rockets except our wheels dont carry montalmethel hydroziene & nitrogentetroxide.So I am here hoping to contrubite as much as i have learned from this site, So hang in there, winter will go away. (I have to grow old but i dont have to grow up.) Jack
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Rodeo Days

Glad you figured out that keyboard thing so you could say hello. We have fun and try to help with fixin' things from time to time. Mostly looking for and figuring out how to put on new gadgets for the R3.

Thanks for the great photographs. How did you get the chrome on the front of the headlights?
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