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Welcome Aboard

Glad to have you with us. I got my a little over a year ago and have never looked back. Thank goodness I don't have a girl friend because I couldn't afford them both and if I did...... it would be a shame to say goodbye to the girl!

If you have a minute or two......... tell us a little bit about you. Where you're at, what you do, how many times you could only find Harley's in your mirrors.

Enjoy the site and be sure to take advantage of the interesting facts and fun you'll find within.
Welcome lukaroobruce. I think Triumph should of called Mulberry Red, Blood Red. I love how deep and dark that color is.
I am in the process of getting a new Triumph Rocket III Classic in red & white. I have some finances I need to arrange. Sadly, the money issue is slowing down the process.

I took a nice test ride and when I left I felt like I was leaving my bike there. Very sad. I am hoping to get this resolved quickly before the best riding weather is behind me.
It'll Happen

Hang in there Earlfo. Good things happen to those who wait and remember it's the journey and not the destination. (What am I saying........it's all about getting the R3 and riding that puppy as often as possible) I remember my first ride like it was yesterday. I don't think I'll ever get over the feeling of twisting the throttle and feeling my arms getting longer. At least it should make it easier swinging through trees.

Be sure and let us know when the blessed day arrives and warn the stork he'd better eat his Wheaties the day of the delivery cause this baby weighs a bunch!

Welcome aboard.

I am the back seat driver on an '05 black Rocket III. Although I have spent a lot of nights home with the kids, I am happy to say that we are riding alot together this summer.

Currently, I am sitting in the vendor area in Bakersfield (California) at the Thunder Run here. My husband and I are actually selling something that other TIII riders may want to know about. We (He) has designed an adjustable backrest for our bike as well as a couple of Softail Harleys. The driver can be comfortable when alone or bring the romance back to motorcycling and lean against your lady like the old days. Yes you can check out the website but please don't judge me by the site. We (I) am still working on it. BUT you can check out our backrest on ebay.

I will return but back to the website I go.

I am the back seat driver on an '05 black Rocket III. Although I have spent a lot of nights home with the kids, I am happy to say that we are riding alot together this summer.

I am hoping to take the driving training this summer so I can get me a bike. We have the '69 Bonnie but the clutch is rather tight for my hand. The Rocket is probably not a good bike for me to learn on. But there is nothing like the feeling of speed, as long as it's safe. We took it up to 110 in the desert before I closed by eyes and consentrated on holding on tighter! On the other site I called myself the Rocket Widow because he rides a lot at night when I have class to teach in the morning. Almost a year and the "newness" still hasn't worn off.
Hi Smart-cycle2!!

Glad to have you here. I don't think we have very many "back seat drivers" here so your input should be valuable. If you get your website up and running post a link to it under our Accessories forum (In the Prop Wand), I'll bet there will be some intrest in an adjustable backrest

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