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Dcycle69 here. Bought my '08 Rocket classic with settlement $ after an ******* foced me to lay down my kawi voyager and busting up my left side. Best accident ever though, I survived and got the best motorcycle on the market!!!

Welcome to the forum
I agree the rocket is great! :)
I suppose if an accident can be rated as best then that's wonderful you are a survivor! And can still get back in the saddle ;) That's the best part. Ride safe

<3 Dustyrose <3
(via Android App Tapatalk)

hello , i'm a froggy of France and my english is not perfect ,sorry , i'm here to know better the rocket 3 ,i hope to have this monster in my possession , i have a jaguar xj6 3.2s for the fun and my work is to repair diesel common rail systems , have a good day ,bye
hello , i'm a froggy of France and my english is not perfect ,sorry , i'm here to know better the rocket 3 ,i hope to have this monster in my possession , i have a jaguar xj6 3.2s for the fun and my work is to repair diesel common rail systems , have a good day ,bye

Welcome from Oklahoma, USA Froggy!

There is a wealth of information here, and lots I'd great folks.

Hope u get a R3 soon, the beast is a blast!

<3 Dustyrose <3
(via Android App Tapatalk)
Hello From Nashville, TN.

Hello Rocket 3 Owners,

I am hoping to be a Rocket 3 owner very shortly. I have never owner a Triumph before and I find the Rocket 3 very tempting! I currently have 2 Victory Motorcycles in the garage. Just sold my old 2001 HD and I am looking to fill the empty spot in my garage.

Found a local guy selling an 07 Rocket 3 online. Only 11K miles. He even put a fairing on the bike! I am just concerned about what all I have read about the 07 Rockets and the bearing issues in the drive shaft. Now I'm not so sure?

Anyway, thanks for posting all your experiences online. I am enjoying reading all of them.

Big Sexy
G'day from down under

hello people
the Name is Ian (or phantom)
I live about an hour south of Sydney Australia
I currently ride a 07 Trioomph Sprint ST that i bought new, soon to be replaced with a Rocket III Touring
Cant wait....
welcome from the great state of kentucky, where the moonshine flows, the men know to obey an we hillbilly gals love to kick ass!!!! :d
Howdy from the Louisiana swamps

Just bought an R3-2005. Flew to Loveland CO., picked it up and rode it back to southern Louisiana. Got a great deal on it, thats why I went so far to get it. I LOVE this machine ten times better then my $28,000 dollar Harley. The 2005 Rocket had less than 11,000 miles on it and got it for under seven grand. hoping to make it to the Lone Star rally in a few days, I,ll be on the look out for more Rockets while I'm there. Where you guys gonna be hanging out?
I also just recently acquired my pilots lic. flying Cessnas.
Hope to meet some of yaw on the road or Ralleys. Keep it safe
chuck aka fiests111
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