Weird clicking sound once the engine gets hot - VIDEO uploaded

What oil thread, Motul is hands down the best oil ever created, a true nectar of the gods, and anyone who disagrees is just simply WRONG!
I started cooking my food with Amsoil and sprinkling it on my hummus. I lost weight, my hair grew back and my wife asked me to bring a new girlfriend into our relationship because I was simply too much man for her to handle alone.
Motul, smotul... where, again, do I find that Amsoil stuff?
Just finished my oil change, never seen red oil before. I guess that makes it special.
After draining the oil and installing a new filter it took 5l to bring the level to 3/4 up the stick hash marks, 4.6l only took it to just above minimum. I've seen something like this mentioned here before so it seems that the 4.6l as specified is just that, the bare minimum.
If this thread is about a clicking noise and not about oil I shall state what I found with my machine . True I have an older machine but what I found could be happening on newer R3's . The header was coming loose . At first it sounded like the timing chain or a valve was the problem . I just happen to see that the heat shield was vibrating a little and decided to tighten it up and found the exhaust bolt was loose underneath . So I verified all the bolts and found that they all needed a little torquing down .And voila ! Clicking sound gone . I hope this helped in getting your problem solved .