When someone suggests that it doesn't have to be motorcycle oil then unfortunately that needs to be addressed!
Jaso... a snake oil scam???... I beg to disagree. The Jaso grading system measures an oils ability to resist
clutch friction (or slippage). It also measures protection offered against engine
wear and pitting in the gear box. I look for the Jaso, Jaso MA, Jaso Ma1 and Jaso Ma2 specs on motorcycle oils because without them, your clutch is at risk. I know of one friend who had to replace his clutch friction discs due to using a non Jaso rated motor oil. He thought he was saving some moola using straight motor oil. The clutch friction discs looked like knew, but slipped horribly. Just replaced the friction discs and good to go. He is now using Jaso rated oil. If it's not Jaso rated, I don't use it.
"to spec" would include wet clutch compatible, to spec does NOT mean it has to say "motorcycle" on the container. There are quite a few other modes of transportation that use gears and wet clutches besides motorcycles.
I used to say and support those things but then i got real and found the rabbit hole that leads to the truth though people who have done massive lab tests and studies, one guy spent YEARS looking into this and came out with the conclusion that i hold fast to now and that is there IS no major difference when it comes to the real world and NO manufacturer of said oils would back up their claims other than marketing for more $$$. YOU do YOU, oil is "cheep" but i do the same changes you all do for 1/3 if not LESS the cost and get the same results due to the nature of low mile intervals, i mean seriously, do you think it matters at ALL in my 2000 mile service for my ex500? NOPE, "There is NOT an oil on this earth that will last longer so why spend more?" -FOG a guru from ex500.com
1st and 2nd gen rockets REALLY need at most a 3500 mile oil service, some go further but the benefits if going with an oil that will get you (3,500/5,000)-100=30% more life for literally 50% MORE COST, and not to mention that 30% more oil time is the END of the LIFE of that oil, just seems like a bad idea. i would rather do a to spec oil change more often at a cheaper cost than run old "possibly bad oil" for more$ and wear and tear.
JASO is not the reason you buy a motor oil, but it's not easy to find cheep oil that is to spec with a bike that does not also have JASO on it but a to spec oil also does NOT need that rating but it will probably be there in the specs on the back. The point was that if it has JASO and MOTORCYCLE written on the front, its going to be HIGHER $$$ than if its just in the specs on the back.
I would rather spend my $ on gear and tires than worry about getting max life from motor oil. Put it this way, when i buy oil i usually do it once every few years and buy it in massive bulk. last oil i purchased was the typical 10w40 T4 walamrt supertech for my ninja for $2.58 a quart but i purchased 5 boxes of it in a shared local deal with a friend of mine who races and got the other 8 boxes. I am down to my last 2 boxes legitimate purchase but you need connections. Filters i got on eBay for about a buck a pop but again i have 30 filters (porulators). i am still searching for a bulk deal for the rocket but i found filters on clearance on rock atuo for it for $1.95 each (WIX) for 12 of them. for now i am ... WAS... trans is out ATM... useing Rotella T6 diesel 15w40, it is in fact TO SPEC with both JASO ratings. and at $18.50 for 4 quarts or about $20 an oil change when you are getting the SAME product but $130 an oil change sure is not looking good is it! it SURE AF is cheaper than the $24 a quart ALL OTHER motorcycle branded oil that has the EXACT SAME and in some cases LESS to spec ratings meaning less life. BTW if you do not know to how use a CC and rebate points on purchases, learn how to do so becuase $18.50 is about a normal price if you shop around and wait for a deal.
Honestly its about cost. never spend more $ than you need to on a hobby or sport that already is $$$$
I do not own (YET) a R3 but when i do, I can guarantee you that im going to use the T6 15w40 oil in there as well and it will run fine.
I know you probably already know most of this already!
If you want to keep up this and learn more, PM me, i would live to make more converts!